
日銀、追加利上げを見送り 植田総裁「時間的余裕はある」


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Word (Furigana)JLPT LevelPart of SpeechMeaning
維持する (いじする)N2godan verbto maintain
決める (きめる)N2ichidan verbto decide
見送る (みおくる)N2godan verbto postpone
示す (しめす)N2godan verbto show
不安定 (ふあんてい)N2な-adjectiveunstable
強調する (きょうちょうする)N2godan verbto emphasize
見極める (みきわめる)N1ichidan verbto ascertain
進める (すすめる)N2ichidan verbto advance
取り扱う (とりあつかう)N2godan verbto handle
誘導 (ゆうどう)N2nounguidance
据え置く (すえおく)N2godan verbto keep unchanged
繁忙 (はんぼう)N2な-adjectivebusy
進行する (しんこうする)N2godan verbto progress
混乱する (こんらんする)N2godan verbto confuse
注視する (ちゅうしする)N2godan verbto observe closely
不透明 (ふとうめい)N2な-adjectiveunclear
高い (たかい)N3い-adjectivehigh
緊張感 (きんちょうかん)N2nountension
振れる (ふれる)N2godan verbto sway
減少する (げんしょうする)N2godan verbto decrease
分析する (ぶんせきする)N2godan verbto analyze
確認する (かくにんする)N2godan verbto confirm
時間的 (じかんてき)N2な-adjectivetemporal
余裕 (よゆう)N2nounleeway
言及する (げんきゅうする)N2godan verbto mention
経済 (けいざい)N3nouneconomy
物価 (ぶっか)N3nounprices
先行き (さきゆき)N2nounfuture prospects
好循環 (こうじゅんかん)N2nounvirtuous cycle
利上げ (りあげ)N2nouninterest rate hike
利下げ (りさげ)N2nouninterest rate cut
進めば (すすめば)N2conditional formif (it) progresses
残る (のこる)N3godan verbto remain

Grammar and Sentence Structure

  1. Sentence: 「植田和男総裁は記者会見で、経済と物価が見通しに沿って進めば利上げに動く方針を改めて示した。」

    • Grammatical Points:

      • 「見通しに沿って」: This phrase uses the structure “に沿って,” which means “in accordance with” or “alongside.” It indicates that the economy and prices are expected to progress according to a certain forecast.
      • 「進めば」: This is the conditional form of the verb “進む” (to advance), meaning “if (they) advance.” It sets a condition for the action that follows.
      • 「動く方針を改めて示した」: Here, “方針” (policy) is the noun being modified by “動く” (to act) and “改めて” (again), indicating that the policy was reiterated.
    • Structure:

      • The sentence starts with the subject “植田和男総裁” (Governor Kazuo Ueda), followed by the context “記者会見で” (at a press conference). The main clause presents what he demonstrated: the policy regarding interest rate hikes, contingent on the condition of the economy and prices advancing as forecasted.
  2. Sentence: 「金融市場について、植田氏は「米国をはじめとする海外経済の先行きが不透明で、当面は高い緊張感を持って注視する」と述べた。」

    • Grammatical Points:

      • 「米国をはじめとする」: This phrase means “including the United States,” where “をはじめ” indicates that the United States is one of several examples.
      • 「先行きが不透明で」: “先行き” (prospects) is the subject, and “不透明” (uncertain) describes it. The “で” connects this clause to the next, indicating a reason or condition.
      • 「当面は高い緊張感を持って注視する」: “当面” (for the time being) sets a temporal context, and “高い緊張感を持って” (with a high level of tension) describes the manner in which he will observe the situation.
    • Structure:

      • The sentence begins with the topic “金融市場について” (regarding the financial market), followed by the subject “植田氏” (Mr. Ueda). The main clause contains his statement about the uncertain prospects of overseas economies, particularly the U.S., and the manner in which he plans to observe the situation.
  3. Sentence: 「このため、植田氏は、7月に利上げした際の一因とした輸入物価の上ぶれリスクが「相応に減少している」と分析。」

    • Grammatical Points:

      • 「このため」: This phrase means “for this reason,” indicating that the following statement is a consequence of the previous context.
      • 「一因とした」: This means “considered one of the factors,” where “とした” indicates that something is regarded as a certain way.
      • 「相応に減少している」: “相応に” (appropriately) modifies “減少している” (is decreasing), indicating that the decrease is significant or suitable in context.
    • Structure:

      • The sentence starts with “このため,” linking it to previous information. The subject is “植田氏,” and the main clause discusses his analysis of the risk related to import prices, which he considers a factor in the interest rate hike decision made in July. The sentence concludes with his assessment of the current status of that risk.


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