Word (Furigana) | JLPT Level | Part of Speech | Meaning |
見つかる (みつかる) | N2 | Godan verb | to be found |
殺人 (さつじん) | N2 | Noun | murder |
認める (みとめる) | N2 | Godan verb | to acknowledge |
絞める (しめる) | N2 | Godan verb | to strangle |
死亡 (しぼう) | N2 | Noun | death |
圧迫 (あっぱく) | N2 | Noun/Verb | pressure; to press |
殺害 (さつがい) | N2 | Noun/Verb | killing; to kill |
疑い (うたがい) | N2 | Noun | suspicion |
初対面 (はつたいめん) | N2 | Noun | first meeting |
解析 (かいせき) | N2 | Noun/Verb | analysis; to analyze |
確認 (かくにん) | N2 | Noun/Verb | confirmation; to confirm |
逃げる (にげる) | N2 | Ichidan verb | to escape |
滞在 (たいざい) | N2 | Noun/Verb | stay; to stay |
発見 (はっけん) | N2 | Noun/Verb | discovery; to discover |
関与 (かんよ) | N2 | Noun/Verb | involvement; to be involved |
行方 (ゆくえ) | N2 | Noun | whereabouts |
窒息死 (ちっそくし) | N1 | Noun | asphyxiation death |
情報 (じょうほう) | N3 | Noun | information |
事件 (じけん) | N3 | Noun | incident |
従業員 (じゅうぎょういん) | N3 | Noun | employee |
部屋 (へや) | N3 | Noun | room |
逮捕 (たいほ) | N2 | Noun/Verb | arrest; to arrest |
住居 (じゅうきょ) | N2 | Noun | residence |
無職 (むしょく) | N2 | Noun | unemployed |
窓 (まど) | N3 | Noun | window |
事件 (じけん) | N3 | Noun | case; incident |
解析 (かいせき) | N2 | Noun/Verb | analysis; to analyze |
逮捕 (たいほ) | N2 | Noun/Verb | arrest; to arrest |
残る (のこる) | N3 | Godan verb | to remain |
進む (すすむ) | N3 | Godan verb | to advance |
取り扱う (とりあつかう) | N2 | Godan verb | to handle |
直面 (ちょくめん) | N2 | Noun/Verb | confrontation; to confront |
影響 (えいきょう) | N2 | Noun/Verb | influence; to influence |
Grammar and Sentence Structure
Grammatical Points:
- 「この日が初対面で」: This phrase uses the structure “NounがNounで,” where “この日” (this day) is the noun and “初対面” (first meeting) is the noun being described. The particle “で” indicates the state or condition.
- 「SNSでやりとりをしていたこと」: Here, “SNSで” indicates the means (via SNS), and “やりとりをしていた” is in the past continuous form, suggesting ongoing action in the past.
- 「解析で確認された」: “解析” (analysis) is the noun form, and “で” indicates the means by which the confirmation was made. “確認された” is the passive form of “確認する” (to confirm), indicating that the action was done to the subject.
- The sentence can be broken down into two main clauses:
- 福井容疑者は少女とこの日が初対面で (Fukui was meeting the girl for the first time that day)
- SNSでやりとりをしていたことが少女の携帯電話の解析で確認された (It was confirmed through the analysis of the girl’s mobile phone that they had been communicating via SNS).
- The sentence can be broken down into two main clauses:
Grammatical Points:
- 「司法解剖の結果」: “司法解剖” (autopsy) is a noun modified by “の” (of), indicating the result of the autopsy.
- 「死因は首を圧迫されたことによる窒息死だった」: “死因” (cause of death) is the subject, and “は” marks it. “首を圧迫されたこと” (the fact that the neck was compressed) is a noun clause that explains the cause of death, with “による” indicating causation.
- 「窒息死だった」: “窒息死” (asphyxiation) is the noun, and “だった” is the past form of “だ,” indicating that this was the state or condition.
- The sentence consists of a main clause and a subordinate clause:
- 司法解剖の結果 (As a result of the autopsy)
- 少女の死因は首を圧迫されたことによる窒息死だった (the cause of death of the girl was asphyxiation due to compression of the neck).
- The sentence consists of a main clause and a subordinate clause:
Grammatical Points:
- 「捜査1課によると」: “によると” indicates that the following information is based on what the investigation department (捜査1課) has stated.
- 「福井容疑者は9月28日午後5時20分~午後6時40分ごろ」: This part gives specific details about the suspect and the time frame, with “ごろ” indicating an approximate time.
- 「少女の首を圧迫し、殺害した疑いがある」: “圧迫し” is the te-form of “圧迫する” (to compress), connecting it to the next action “殺害した” (to kill). “疑いがある” means “there is suspicion,” indicating that the actions are suspected.
- The sentence can be divided into two parts:
- 捜査1課によると、福井容疑者は9月28日午後5時20分~午後6時40分ごろ (According to the investigation department, Fukui was around the hotel between 5:20 PM and 6:40 PM on September 28)
- 中央区道頓堀2丁目のホテルで、少女の首を圧迫し、殺害した疑いがある (at a hotel in Dotonbori, where he is suspected of compressing the girl’s neck and killing her).
- The sentence can be divided into two parts:
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