
中国国防省「深読みしすぎないで」 中国軍機の領空侵犯で報道官


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Word (Furigana)JLPT LevelPart of SpeechMeaning
侵犯 (しんぱん)N2godan verbto infringe
尊重 (そんちょう)N2godan verbto respect
深読み (ふかよみ)N2godan verbto read too deeply
意図 (いと)N2nounintention
議論 (ぎろん)N2noundiscussion
状況 (じょうきょう)N2nounsituation
確認 (かくにん)N2godan verbto confirm
侵す (おかす)N2godan verbto violate
超党派 (ちょうとうは)N2nounnonpartisan
率いる (ひきいる)N2godan verbto lead
議員 (ぎいん)N2nounmember of parliament
重大 (じゅうだい)N2い-adjectiveserious
脅かす (おびやかす)N2godan verbto threaten
受け入れる (うけいれる)N2ichidan verbto accept
事態 (じたい)N2nounsituation
非常 (ひじょう)N2な-adjectiveemergency
疑わしい (うたがわしい)N2い-adjectivesuspicious
抗議 (こうぎ)N2nounprotest
指摘 (してき)N2nounindication
意識 (いしき)N2nounawareness
続ける (つづける)N3ichidan verbto continue
説明 (せつめい)N3nounexplanation
発言 (はつげん)N3nounstatement
具体的 (ぐたいてき)N2な-adjectiveconcrete
望む (のぞむ)N2godan verbto hope
受ける (うける)N3ichidan verbto receive
飛行 (ひこう)N3nounflight
監視 (かんし)N2nounsurveillance
発進 (はっしん)N2noundeparture
重要 (じゅうよう)N2な-adjectiveimportant
具体 (ぐたい)N2nounspecific
受ける (うける)N3ichidan verbto receive

Grammar and Sentence Structure

  1. Sentence: 「中国は平素から各国の主権を尊重している。この件について深読みしすぎないよう望む。」

    Grammatical Points:

    • 平素から (へいそから): This phrase means “usually” or “normally,” indicating a habitual action or state.
    • 尊重している (そんちょうしている): This is the present continuous form of the verb 尊重する (to respect), indicating an ongoing action.
    • 深読みしすぎないよう (ふかよみしすぎないよう): This phrase uses the negative form of the verb 深読みする (to read too deeply) combined with よう, which expresses a desire or intention not to do something.


    • The first sentence states that China respects the sovereignty of all countries as a general principle. The second sentence expresses a desire for others not to overanalyze the current situation. The two sentences are connected thematically, with the first providing context for the second.
  2. Sentence: 「意図的な侵犯だったかをめぐり、議論が起きている状況を意識した発言とみられる。」

    Grammatical Points:

    • 意図的な (いとてきな): An adjectival noun meaning “intentional” or “deliberate.”
    • 侵犯だったかをめぐり (しんぱんだったかをめぐり): This phrase uses the past tense of the verb 侵犯する (to infringe) combined with か, which indicates a question about whether it was intentional or not. The particle を indicates the object of the discussion.
    • 意識した (いしきした): This is the past tense of the verb 意識する (to be aware of), indicating that the speaker is aware of the situation.


    • The sentence discusses the ongoing debate regarding whether the infringement was intentional. It suggests that the speaker’s comments are influenced by this awareness of the current discussions. The structure emphasizes the connection between the situation and the speaker’s remarks.
  3. Sentence: 「我が国の主権の重大な侵害であるだけでなく安全を脅かすものであり、全く受け入れられない。」

    Grammatical Points:

    • 我が国の (わがくにの): A possessive phrase meaning “our country,” often used in formal contexts.
    • 重大な侵害である (じゅうだいないんがいである): This phrase uses the noun 侵害 (infringement) with the copula である to assert that it is a serious infringement.
    • 脅かすものであり (おびやかすものであり): This uses the verb 脅かす (to threaten) in a nominalized form (もの) combined with あり, which connects it to the previous clause.
    • 全く受け入れられない (まったくうけいれられない): This is a strong negation indicating that something is completely unacceptable.


    • The sentence is a compound structure that first states that the action is not only a serious infringement of sovereignty but also a threat to safety. It concludes with a strong assertion that such actions are entirely unacceptable. The use of である and あり helps to connect the ideas smoothly.


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