
無痛分娩の費用、都民に最大10万円を助成へ 10月から都が導入


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みやこ調査ちょうさによると、都内とない産婦さんぷ6ろくちょう無痛分娩むつうぶんべん希望きぼう。ただし都内とない分娩ぶんべん費用は平均へいきん65万円まんえんくに出産育児しゅっさんいくじ一時金いちじきん(50万円まんえん)をこえるうえ、無痛分娩むつうぶんべんにはさらに平均へいきん12.4万円まんえん費用ひようかかるかかるという。小池百合子こいけ ゆりこ知事は11にち、「無痛分娩むつうぶんべん希望きぼうする女性じょせいが、費用ひようリスクりすく理由りゆう断念だんねんすることなく、安心あんしんして出産しゅっさんできる、そんな環境かんきょうつくりたいつくりたい」とはなした。



Word (Furigana)JLPT LevelPart of SpeechMeaning
出産 (しゅっさん)N2nounchildbirth
麻酔 (ますい)N2nounanesthesia
やわらげる (やわらげる)N2ichidan verbto alleviate
無痛 (むつう)N2nounpainless
分娩 (ぶんべん)N2noundelivery
助成 (じょせい)N2nounsubsidy
方針 (ほうしん)N2nounpolicy
明らか (あきらか)N2な-adjectiveclear, evident
対策 (たいさく)N2nouncountermeasure
対象 (たいしょう)N2nountarget
規模 (きぼ)N2nounscale
想定 (そうてい)N2nounassumption
計上 (けいじょう)N2nounbudget allocation
安全 (あんぜん)N2nounsafety
管理 (かんり)N2nounmanagement
自主 (じしゅ)N2nounvoluntary
点検 (てんけん)N2nouninspection
義務 (ぎむ)N2nounobligation
研修 (けんしゅう)N2nountraining
環境 (かんきょう)N2nounenvironment
希望 (きぼう)N2nounhope
断念 (だんねん)N2godan verbto give up
安心 (あんしん)N2nounpeace of mind
拡大 (かくだい)N2nounexpansion
無償 (むしょう)N2nounfree of charge
基準 (きじゅん)N2nounstandard
認証 (にんしょう)N2nouncertification
決める (きめる)N2ichidan verbto decide
超える (こえる)N2ichidan verbto exceed
体制 (たいせい)N2nounsystem
公開 (こうかい)N2noundisclosure
予算 (よさん)N2nounbudget
産婦 (さんぷ)N2nounpregnant woman

Grammar and Sentence Structure

  1. Sentence: 「助成の対象となる医療機関は、安全管理対策や人員体制など国が定める自主点検表の項目を満たし、都に届け出た病院や診療所。」

    • Grammatical Points:

      • 「助成の対象となる」: This phrase uses the passive form of the verb “なる” (to become) to indicate that the medical institutions are those that will become the target of the subsidy.
      • 「国が定める」: This is a relative clause where “国” (the country) is the subject, and “定める” (to establish) is the verb. It modifies “自主点検表の項目” (items of the self-inspection sheet).
      • 「届け出た」: This is the past tense of the verb “届け出る” (to report or notify), indicating that the hospitals and clinics have already completed the action of notifying.
    • Structure:

      • The main subject is “助成の対象となる医療機関” (medical institutions that are the target of the subsidy).
      • The sentence consists of two main clauses connected by “満たし” (to meet), which indicates that the institutions must fulfill certain conditions.
      • The first clause describes the conditions that must be met (safety management measures, personnel structure), while the second clause specifies that these institutions must have reported to the Tokyo Metropolitan Government.
  2. Sentence: 「無痛分娩は過去に妊婦の死亡例もあり、ウェブサイトで診療実績や安全管理体制を公開することも義務づける。」

    • Grammatical Points:

      • 「過去に妊婦の死亡例もあり」: This phrase uses “あり” (to exist) in a past context, indicating that there have been cases of maternal death in the past.
      • 「義務づける」: This verb means “to obligate” or “to mandate,” indicating that the action of publishing information on the website is required.
      • 「ことも」: This phrase emphasizes that the obligation to publish is an additional requirement.
    • Structure:

      • The sentence begins with the subject “無痛分娩” (painless childbirth) and provides background information about its risks.
      • It then presents two main points: the existence of past maternal deaths and the obligation to publish safety information on the website.
      • The two clauses are connected by “も” (also), which adds emphasis to the second point.
  3. Sentence: 「都の調査によると、都内の産婦の6割超が無痛分娩を希望。」

    • Grammatical Points:

      • 「都の調査によると」: This phrase indicates the source of the information, using “によると” (according to) to attribute the statement to the Tokyo Metropolitan Government’s survey.
      • 「6割超が」: This means “more than 60%,” where “超” (super) indicates exceeding a certain amount.
      • 「希望」: This noun form of the verb “希望する” (to hope) indicates the desire of the subject.
    • Structure:

      • The sentence starts with the source of the information, “都の調査によると,” setting the context for the following statement.
      • The main subject is “都内の産婦の6割超” (more than 60% of mothers in Tokyo), which is followed by the verb “希望” (hope).
      • The structure is straightforward, presenting a statistic about the preferences of mothers regarding painless childbirth.


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