
神戸に現れた「世相サンタ」 今年はやっぱり阪神の「アレのアレ」


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WordJLPT LevelPart of SpeechMeaning
(み)にまとったN3Verbto be dressed in
公開 (こうかい)されたN3Verbto be opened to the public
恒例 (こうれい)となっているN2Nounhas become a custom
施設 (しせつ)N2Nounfacility
(も)り上(あ)がったN2Verbto be excited
満場一致 (まんじょういっち)N1Noununanimous agreement
達成 (たっせい)したN2Verbachieved
(も)したN3Verbto imitate
(み)られたN3Verbwas seen
話題 (わだい)にちなんだN2Verbto be based on a topic
(かざ)るN3Verbto decorate
(め)を引(ひ)いたN3Verbto attract attention
担当 (たんとう)するN2Verbto be in charge of
(め)をもらえたN3Verbto be encouraged
(えら)ばれたN3Verbwas chosen
(かがや)いたN3Verbto shine
独占 (どくせん)を達成(たっせい)したN1Verbto achieve a monopoly
(かみ)したN3Verbto deify
題材 (だいざい)に決(き)めたN2Verbto decide on a subject
(し)したN3Verbto install
公開 (こうかい)はN3Nounpublic viewing
人形 (にんぎょう)N3Noundoll
本塁打王 (ほんるいだおう)N1Nounhome run king
最優秀選手 (さいゆうしゅうせんしゅ)N1NounMost Valuable Player
関西 (かんさい)N3NounKansai region
神戸 (こうべ)N3NounKobe

Grammar and Sentence Structure

  1. 阪神タイガースは18年ぶりにセ・リーグで優勝し、38年ぶりに日本一に輝いた。

    • This sentence contains two consecutive verbs in the past tense, “優勝し” and “輝いた,” connected by the te-form “し” to indicate the sequence of actions. The first verb “優勝する” (to win a championship) is followed by the particle “し” to indicate the action of winning the championship. Then, the second verb “輝く” (to shine; to be glorious) is in the past tense to describe the action of shining or being glorious after winning the championship.
  2. 同館の広報を担当する崎原朝香さんは、「優勝で関西がこんなに盛り上がったのは久しぶり。みんなが元気をもらえた」と話し、スタッフ満場一致で阪神を今年の題材に決めたという。

    • This sentence contains a direct quotation embedded within the sentence. The speaker, 崎原朝香, is introduced with the relative clause “同館の広報を担当する” (who is in charge of public relations for the same facility). The direct quotation is indicated by the quotation marks and the reporting verb “話し,” followed by the content of the speech. The sentence then continues with the reported information about the staff unanimously deciding on the topic for this year.
  3. 公開は12月25日まで。

    • This sentence is a simple statement indicating the duration of the public display, using the particle “は” to mark the topic “公開” (public display) and the particle “まで” to indicate the endpoint “12月25日” (December 25th). The verb “する” is omitted but implied, making the sentence concise and direct.


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