
初の「こども大綱」を閣議決定 校則見直し「子どもからも意見聴取」


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Word (Furigana)JLPT LevelPart of SpeechMeaning
政府 (せいふ)N3Noungovernment
方向性 (ほうこうせい)N1Noundirection, orientation
盛り込む (もりこむ)N2Verb (Godan)to include, to incorporate
(はつ)N3Nounbeginning, first
閣議 (かくぎ)N1Nouncabinet meeting
決定 (けってい)N3Noundecision, determination
答申 (とうしん)N1Nounreport, recommendation
校則 (こうそく)N1Nounschool regulations
見直し (みなおし)N2Nounreview, revision
必要 (ひつよう)N4Adjectivenecessary
合理的 (ごうりてき)N1Adjectiverational, reasonable
範囲 (はんい)N3Nounextent, scope
定める (さだめる)N2Verb (Ichidan)to establish, to define
聴取 (ちょうしゅ)N1Nounlistening, hearing
望ましい (のぞましい)N3Adjectivedesirable, preferable
最善 (さいぜん)N1Nounthe best, optimal
利益 (りえき)N2Nounbenefit, profit
図る (はかる)N2Verb (Godan)to seek, to aim at
六つ (むっつ)N3Nounsix
基本方針 (きほんほうしん)N1Nounbasic policy
定める (さだめる)N2Verb (Ichidan)to establish, to define
いじめ (いじめ)N4Nounbullying
防止 (ぼうし)N3Nounprevention
体罰 (たいばつ)N1Nouncorporal punishment
根絶 (こんぜつ)N1Nouneradication, abolition
ライフステージ (らいふすてーじ)N/ANounlife stage
重要 (じゅうよう)N3Adjectiveimportant, significant
事項 (じこう)N1Nounmatter, item
言及 (げんきゅう)N1Nounmention, reference
盛り込む (もりこむ)N2Verb (Godan)to include, to incorporate
割合 (わりあい)N2Nounratio, proportion
引き上げる (ひきあげる)N2Verb (Ichidan)to raise, to increase
数値目標 (すうちもくひょう)N1Nounnumerical target
基づく (もとづく)N2Verb (Godan)to be based on
策定 (さくてい)N1Nounformulation, establishment
少子化 (しょうしか)N1Noundeclining birthrate
社会対策 (しゃかいたいさく)N1Nounsocial measures
一本化 (いっぽんか)N1Noununification
従来 (じゅうらい)N2Nounconventional, traditional

Grammar and Sentence Structure

  1. The sentence “政府は22日、子ども政策の方向性などを盛り込んだ初の「こども大綱」を閣議決定した。” is difficult to understand because of its complex structure and advanced vocabulary.

    • Grammatical points:

      • 盛り込んだ: past tense form of the verb 盛り込む (to incorporate/include)
      • 閣議決定した: past tense form of the compound verb 閣議決定する (to approve in a cabinet meeting)
    • Structure of the sentence:

      • 政府は22日: The government on the 22nd
      • 子ども政策の方向性などを盛り込んだ初の「こども大綱」を: the first “Kodomo Daikou” that incorporated the direction of child policies, etc.
      • 閣議決定した: was approved in a cabinet meeting
  2. The sentence “校則は「必要かつ合理的な範囲内で定めるもの」とした上で、校則を見直す際には子どもらから「意見を聴取した上で定めていくことが望ましい」とした。” is difficult to understand due to the complex structure and advanced grammar.

    • Grammatical points:

      • とした: past tense form of the verb とする (to decide on/establish as)
      • 上で: conjunction meaning “upon” or “after”
    • Structure of the sentence:

      • 校則は「必要かつ合理的な範囲内で定めるもの」とした: The school rules were established as “something to be determined within necessary and rational limits”
      • 上で、校則を見直す際には: Upon that, when reviewing the school rules
      • 子どもらから「意見を聴取した上で定めていくことが望ましい」とした: it was deemed desirable to establish it after listening to the opinions of the children.
  3. The sentence “大綱では、子どもや若者の「最善の利益を図る」といった六つの基本方針を定めた上で、いじめ防止や体罰の根絶などライフステージごとの重要事項に言及。” is difficult to understand due to the complex structure and advanced vocabulary.

    • Grammatical points:

      • 図る: verb meaning “to seek/aim for”
      • 上で: conjunction meaning “upon” or “after”
      • など: particle meaning “such as”
    • Structure of the sentence:

      • 大綱では、子どもや若者の「最善の利益を図る」といった六つの基本方針を定めた: In the outline, six basic principles such as “seeking the best interests of children and young people” were established
      • 上で、いじめ防止や体罰の根絶などライフステージごとの重要事項に言及: Upon that, it refers to important matters for each life stage such as prevention of bullying and eradication of corporal punishment.


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