
南極観測隊に初の女性隊長 1次隊から68年、来秋出発の66次隊で


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Word (Furigana)JLPT LevelPart of SpeechMeaning
南極地域 (なんきょくちいき)N1NounAntarctic region
観測 (かんそく)N2Noun, Suru verbobservation
統合 (とうごう)N2Noun, Suru verbintegration
推進 (すいしん)N2Noun, Suru verbpromotion
本部 (ほんぶ)N3Nounheadquarters
総会 (そうかい)N3Noungeneral meeting
66次 (ろくじゅうろくじ)N1Noun66th expedition
隊長 (たいちょう)N3Nounleader
(けん)N3Noun, Suru verbconcurrently
夏隊長 (なつたいちょう)N1Nounsummer leader
東京大学 (とうきょうだいがく)N3NounUniversity of Tokyo
原田尚美教授 (はらだなおみきょうじゅ)N1NounProfessor Naomi Harada
決定 (けってい)N3Noun, Suru verbdecision
1956年 (せんきゅうひゃくごじゅうろくねん)N3Noun1956
11月 (じゅういちがつ)N5NounNovember
1次 (いちじ)N3Nounfirst expedition
出発 (しゅっぱつ)N4Noun, Suru verbdeparture
女性 (じょせい)N5Nounwoman
初めて (はじめて)N4Adverbfor the first time
来秋 (らいしゅう)N3Nounnext autumn
所属 (しょぞく)N3Noun, Suru verbaffiliation
大気海洋研究所 (たいきかいようけんきゅうじょ)N1NounInstitute of Atmospheric and Oceanic Research
国際・地域連携研究センター (こくさいちいきれんけいけんきゅうせんたー)N1NounInternational and Regional Collaboration Research Center
隊員 (たいいん)N3Nounteam member
33次 (さんじゅうさんじ)N1Noun33rd expedition
夏隊 (なつたい)N1Nounsummer team
91~92年 (きゅうじゅういちきゅうじゅうにねん)N1Noun1991-1992
訪れる (おとずれる)N4Godan verbto visit
2018年 (にせんじゅうはちねん)N3Noun2018
副隊長 (ふくたいちょう)N1Nounvice leader
務める (つとめる)N4Godan verbto serve
しらせの復路 (しらせのふくろ)N1Nounreturn route of Shirase
多く (おおく)N4Adverbmany
海洋観測 (かいようかんそく)N1Nounocean observation
計画 (けいかく)N4Noun, Suru verbplan
見渡す (みわたす)N3Godan verbto look out over
取り残す (とりのこす)N3Godan verbto leave behind
仕事 (しごと)N5Nounwork
がんばるN4Godan verbto do one’s best
思う (おもう)N5Godan verbto think
急きょ (きゅうきょ)N2Adverbsuddenly
開かれる (ひらかれる)N3Godan verbto be held
会見 (かいけん)N3Nounpress conference
やりにくいN3Adjectivedifficult to do
信頼関係 (しんらいかんけい)N2Nountrust relationship
つくるN5Godan verbto create
専門 (せんもん)N4Nounspecialty
生物地球化学 (せいぶつちきゅうかがく)N1Nounbiogeochemistry
古海洋学 (こかいようがく)N1Nounpaleoceanography
就職 (しゅうしょく)N3Noun, Suru verbemployment
海洋研究開発機構 (かいようけんきゅうかいはつきこう)N1NounJapan Agency for Marine-Earth Science and Technology
海底 (かいてい)N3Nounseabed
堆積 (たいせき)N2Noun, Suru verbsedimentation
過去 (かこ)N4Nounpast
環境 (かんきょう)N4Nounenvironment
着任 (ちゃくにん)N3Noun, Suru verbassumption of duty
副隊長兼越冬隊長 (ふくたいちょうけんえっとうたいちょう)N1Nounvice leader and wintering leader
気象庁 (きしょうちょう)N2NounJapan Meteorological Agency
大気海洋部 (たいきかいようぶ)N1NounAtmospheric and Oceanic Department
環境・海洋気象課 (かんきょうかいようきしょうか)N1NounEnvironmental and Oceanic Meteorology Section
南極観測事務室 (なんきょくかんそくじむしつ)N1NounAntarctic Observation Office
藤田建 (ふじたたつる)N1NounTatsumi Fujita
主任技術専門官 (しゅにんぎじゅつせんもんかん)N1NounChief Technical Specialist
決まる (きまる)N4Godan verbto be decided
6人目 (ろくにんめ)N3Noun6th person
中山由美 (なかやまゆみ)N1NounYumi Nakayama

Grammar and Sentence Structure

  1. 「同日急きょ開かれた会見では『女性だとやりにくいと思う隊員もいるかもしれない。でもコミュニケーションをとって『この人だったら大丈夫』と思ってもらえるような信頼関係をつくっていきたい』と話していた。」

  2. Grammatical points:

    • だと: This is a conditional form of the copula だ (to be) used to express a supposition or assumption.
    • もいる: This is the potential form of the verb いる (to exist, to be) used to indicate the possibility or existence of someone or something.
    • もしれない: This is a phrase used to express uncertainty or possibility, similar to “might” or “may” in English.
    • と思ってもらえる: This is the causative form of the verb 思う (to think) combined with the potential form of the verb もらう (to receive) to indicate the speaker’s desire for someone to think or feel a certain way.
  3. Structure of the sentence: The sentence is reporting on a statement made during a press conference. The speaker is discussing the possibility that some members of the team may find it difficult to work with a female leader, but expresses the desire to build a trusting relationship through communication so that they can think “this person will be okay.”

  4. 「専門は生物地球化学、古海洋学。就職した海洋研究開発機構では、海底の堆積(たいせき)物から過去の海洋環境を研究し、北極海にも赴いた。」

  5. Grammatical points:

    • は: This is the topic marker particle used to indicate the topic of the sentence.
    • から: This is a particle used to indicate the source or origin of something.
    • を: This is the direct object marker particle used to mark the object of a verb.
    • にも: This is a particle used to indicate inclusion or addition, similar to “also” or “too” in English.
  6. Structure of the sentence: The sentence introduces the speaker’s area of expertise, which is bio-geochemistry and paleoceanography. It then describes their work at the Ocean Research and Development Organization, where they studied past marine environments from sediment on the seafloor and also conducted research in the Arctic Ocean.

  7. 「気象庁から選ばれた越冬隊長は6人目。」

  8. Grammatical points:

    • から: This is a particle used to indicate the source or origin of something.
    • は: This is the topic marker particle used to indicate the topic of the sentence.
    • 人目: This is a counter suffix used to indicate the ordinal number of a person or thing.
  9. Structure of the sentence: The sentence states that the wintering team leader was selected from the Meteorological Agency and is the sixth person to hold that position.