だだちゃ豆主力品種の収穫本格化 大雨の影響も
Word (Furigana) | JLPT Level | Part of Speech | Meaning |
収穫 (しゅうかく) | N2 | noun | harvest |
本格化 (ほんかくか) | N2 | noun/verb (godan) | becoming full-scale |
続く (つづく) | N2 | verb (godan) | to continue |
作業 (さぎょう) | N3 | noun | work, operation |
明るくなる (あかるくなる) | N3 | verb (godan) | to become bright |
保つ (たもつ) | N2 | verb (godan) | to keep, to maintain |
箱詰め (はこづめ) | N2 | noun/verb (godan) | packing into boxes |
出荷 (しゅっか) | N2 | noun/verb (godan) | shipment |
乗る (のる) | N2 | verb (godan) | to ride, to get on |
食べる (たべる) | N5 | verb (ichidan) | to eat |
浸水 (しんすい) | N2 | noun | flooding |
掘る (ほる) | N2 | verb (godan) | to dig |
逃がす (にがす) | N2 | verb (godan) | to let go, to release |
減る (へる) | N2 | verb (godan) | to decrease |
被害 (ひがい) | N2 | noun | damage |
少なく (すくなく) | N2 | adverb | less |
株 (かぶ) | N2 | noun | stock, plant |
冠水 (かんすい) | N2 | noun | flooding (of fields) |
迎える (むかえる) | N2 | verb (ichidan) | to welcome |
恵まれる (めぐまれる) | N2 | verb (ichidan) | to be blessed |
回復 (かいふく) | N2 | noun/verb (godan) | recovery |
目立つ (めだつ) | N2 | verb (godan) | to stand out |
記録的 (きろくてき) | N2 | な-adjective | record-breaking |
大雨 (おおあめ) | N3 | noun | heavy rain |
地域 (ちいき) | N3 | noun | region |
占める (しめる) | N2 | verb (ichidan) | to account for |
伝わる (つたわる) | N2 | verb (godan) | to be transmitted |
いい (いい) | N5 | い-adjective | good |
できる (できる) | N5 | verb (irregular) | to be able to |
ほとんど (ほとんど) | N3 | adverb | almost, nearly |
かける (かける) | N2 | verb (ichidan) | to spend (time) |
うまみ (うまみ) | N2 | noun | umami, savoriness |
いい味 (いいあじ) | N2 | noun | good flavor |
Grammar and Sentence Structure
Grammatical Points:
- 「のは」: This is a nominalizer that turns the preceding clause into a noun phrase. Here, it indicates that the act of harvesting in the early morning is the subject of the sentence.
- 「ため」: This means “for the purpose of” or “in order to.” It indicates the reason for the action.
- 「だという」: This is a way to convey hearsay or information that the speaker has received. It can be translated as “it is said that” or “it is reported that.”
- The sentence begins with the time phrase “早朝に” (in the early morning), followed by the action “収穫する” (to harvest). The subject is nominalized with “のは,” leading to the explanation of the purpose “鮮度とうまみを保つため” (to maintain freshness and flavor). Finally, it concludes with “だという,” indicating that this information is based on what has been conveyed.
Grammatical Points:
- 「そのかいがあって」: This phrase means “thanks to that” or “as a result of that,” indicating a causal relationship.
- 「ものの」: This is a conjunction that means “although” or “even though.” It introduces a contrast between two clauses.
- 「できたという」: Similar to the previous example, this indicates hearsay or reported information, meaning “it is said that it was possible.”
- The sentence starts with “そのかいがあって,” establishing a causal context. It then states “収穫量は減ったものの” (the harvest amount decreased, although), introducing a contrast. Finally, it concludes with “被害をより少なくできたという,” which indicates that despite the decrease, it was possible to reduce the damage, reported as hearsay.
Grammatical Points:
- 「当時」: This means “at that time,” indicating a specific time frame.
- 「迎えていた」: This is the past progressive form of “迎える” (to reach or to welcome), indicating that the harvesting period was ongoing at that time.
- 「が」: This conjunction means “but,” introducing a contrast between two statements.
- 「おおむね」: This adverb means “generally” or “on the whole,” indicating a general trend.
- 「回復傾向にある」: This phrase means “to be in a recovery trend,” indicating that the situation is improving.
- The sentence begins with “大雨当時” (at the time of the heavy rain), setting the context. It then states “収穫期を迎えていたわせ品種は冠水した地域で被害が目立つが,” indicating that the early varieties were significantly damaged in flooded areas. The contrast is introduced with “が,” leading to the second part: “白山など8月以降に収穫する品種は天候にも恵まれ,” which states that other varieties harvested after August were favored by good weather. It concludes with “収穫量はおおむね回復傾向にあるという,” reporting that the harvest amount is generally on the rise.
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