見えぬ「借り主」の姿 トケマッチ、消費相談はすべて「所有者」から
Word (Furigana) | JLPT Level | Part of Speech | Meaning |
預ける (あずける) | N3 | Godan verb | to deposit, to leave in someone’s care |
返却する (へんきゃくする) | N2 | Suru verb | to return something |
突然 (とつぜん) | N3 | Adverb | suddenly |
発表する (はっぴょうする) | N3 | Suru verb | to announce |
連絡がつく (れんらくがつく) | N3 | Godan verb | to get in touch |
預ける (あずける) | N3 | Godan verb | to deposit, to leave in someone’s care |
寄せる (よせる) | N3 | Ichidan verb | to send, to submit |
疑問の声 (ぎもんのこえ) | N2 | Noun | voice of doubt |
存在する (そんざいする) | N3 | Suru verb | to exist |
持ってくる (もってくる) | N3 | Godan verb | to bring |
借りる (かりる) | N4 | Godan verb | to borrow |
おかしい | N4 | い-adjective | strange, odd |
一つもない (ひとつもない) | N3 | Adjective | not even one |
以前 (いぜん) | N3 | Noun | before, previously |
尋ねる (たずねる) | N3 | Ichidan verb | to ask |
理由 (りゆう) | N3 | Noun | reason |
具体的に (ぐたいてきに) | N2 | Adverb | specifically |
個人情報 (こじんじょうほう) | N2 | Noun | personal information |
伝える (つたえる) | N3 | Ichidan verb | to convey, to inform |
募集する (ぼしゅうする) | N3 | Suru verb | to recruit |
振り返る (ふりかえる) | N3 | Ichidan verb | to look back, to reflect |
断られる (ことわられる) | N3 | Ichidan verb | to be refused |
あこがれる | N4 | Godan verb | to long for, to admire |
申し込む (もうしこむ) | N4 | Godan verb | to apply |
送信する (そうしんする) | N3 | Suru verb | to send |
総合的に (そうごうてきに) | N2 | Adverb | comprehensively |
判断する (はんだんする) | N3 | Suru verb | to judge, to decide |
見送る (みおくる) | N3 | Godan verb | to see off, to let go |
難しい (むずかしい) | N4 | い-adjective | difficult |
貸し出す (かしだす) | N3 | Godan verb | to lend |
Grammar and Sentence Structure
Explanation of grammatical points: This sentence contains a relative clause “借り主が誰か” modifying the noun “トケマッチ側.” The verb “尋ねた” (asked) is in the past tense, and the conjunction “が” is used to mark the subject of the verb.
Explanation of the structure: The main clause is “女性は以前、…伝えられただけだった” (The woman was only told…). Within this main clause, there is a subordinate clause “借り主が誰かトケマッチ側に尋ねたが個人情報を理由に具体的に教えてもらえず” (The woman asked who the borrower was to the Tokematch side but was not given specific information due to personal reasons).
Explanation of grammatical points: This sentence includes a direct quotation “『借りた腕時計をどうやって返却したら良いか』など” (such as “How should I return the borrowed watch?”). The verb “話す” (said) is in the plain form.
Explanation of the structure: The sentence structure is straightforward with the subject “話す” (said) followed by the direct quotation and the comment on the situation.
Explanation of grammatical points: This sentence contains a conditional phrase “よほどの高収入じゃないと” (if not a considerably high income) and a reported speech structure with the verb “話す” (said) in the plain form.
Explanation of the structure: The sentence starts with the subject “男性は” (The man) followed by his thoughts and concerns expressed through reported speech. The sentence ends with his statement about doubts regarding the intention to lend out watches.
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