
Jリーグが「夏開幕」へ 26年からのシーズン移行が理事会で決定


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Word (Furigana)JLPT LevelPart of SpeechMeaning
開幕 (かいまく)N3Nounopening, start
移行 (いこう)N2Nountransition, migration
実施 (じっし)N2Nounenforcement, implementation
暑さ (あつさ)N3Nounheat, hot weather
負担 (ふたん)N3Nounburden, load
閉幕 (へいまく)N2Nounclosing, end
中断 (ちゅうだん)N2Nouninterruption, suspension
短期 (たんき)N2Nounshort term
大会 (たいかい)N3Nountournament, competition
開幕 (かいまく)N3Verb (Godan)to open, to start
合わせる (あわせる)N3Verb (Ichidan)to match, to adjust
本格化 (ほんかくか)N1Verb (Noun)to become serious, to take a serious turn
減らす (へらす)N3Verb (Godan)to reduce, to decrease
設ける (もうける)N2Verb (Ichidan)to establish, to set up
配慮 (はいりょ)N1Verb (Noun)consideration, concern
移籍 (いせき)N1Verb (Noun)transfer, migration
必要 (ひつよう)N4Adjectivenecessary, needed
主要 (しゅよう)N3Adjectivemain, principal
一般的 (いっぱんてき)N2Adjectivecommon, general
円滑 (えんかつ)N1Adjectivesmooth, harmonious
根強い (ねづよい)N1Adjectivedeep-rooted, persistent
厳しい (きびしい)N4Adjectivestrict, severe
高める (たかめる)N2Verb (Ichidan)to raise, to enhance
意見 (いけん)N3Nounopinion, view
反対 (はんたい)N3Nounopposition, resistance
代表者 (だいひょうしゃ)N2Nounrepresentative
実行 (じっこう)N2Nounpractice, execution
意見集約 (いけんしゅうやく)N1Nounconsolidation of opinions
改善 (かいぜん)N3Nounimprovement
議論 (ぎろん)N3Noundiscussion, argument

Grammar and Sentence Structure

  • Sentence 1:

    • Explanation of grammatical points:
      • The sentence uses the causative form of the verb “考える” (to think/consider) in the past tense, indicating that someone thought something was necessary.
    • Explanation of the structure of the sentence:
      • 「移行が必要だと考えた」
      • “移行” (transition) is the subject, marked by the particle “が”.
      • “必要” (necessary) is the predicate, marked by the particle “だ”.
      • “と” is used to quote the content of the thought.
      • “考えた” is the past tense form of “考える” (to think/consider) and indicates that the thinking occurred in the past.
  • Sentence 2:

    • Explanation of grammatical points:
      • The sentence uses the causative form of the verb “設ける” (to set up) in the non-past tense, indicating the intention to set up a short-term tournament.
    • Explanation of the structure of the sentence:
      • 「短期大会を設ける方針だ」
      • “短期大会” (short-term tournament) is the direct object, marked by the particle “を”.
      • “設ける” (to set up) is the verb in the non-past form, indicating the intention to set up the tournament.
      • “方針” (policy/plan) is the noun indicating the intention or plan.
  • Sentence 3:

    • Explanation of grammatical points:
      • The sentence uses the potential form of the verb “できる” (can do) to express the ability to do something.
    • Explanation of the structure of the sentence:
      • 「一年中スポーツをできる環境」
      • “一年中” (all year round) is an adverbial phrase.
      • “スポーツをできる” is the potential form of “スポーツをする” (to do sports), indicating the ability to do sports.
      • “環境” (environment) is the noun indicating the situation or condition.


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