公取委、アマゾンの出品者にアンケート実施 値下げ強要疑いの問題で
Word (Furigana) | JLPT Level | Part of Speech | Meaning |
強いる (しいる) | N2 | godan verb | to force, to compel |
求める (もとめる) | N2 | godan verb | to seek, to request |
実施する (じっしする) | N2 | irregular verb | to implement, to carry out |
発表する (はっぴょうする) | N2 | irregular verb | to announce, to publish |
進める (すすめる) | N2 | ichidan verb | to advance, to promote |
認める (みとめる) | N2 | ichidan verb | to recognize, to acknowledge |
収集する (しゅうしゅうする) | N2 | irregular verb | to collect, to gather |
競争力 (きょうそうりょく) | N2 | noun | competitiveness |
適用する (てきようする) | N2 | irregular verb | to apply, to put into practice |
開示する (かいじする) | N2 | irregular verb | to disclose, to reveal |
整備する (せいびする) | N2 | irregular verb | to arrange, to maintain |
透明化 (とうめいか) | N2 | noun | transparency |
取引 (とりひき) | N3 | noun | transaction |
法施行 (ほうしこう) | N2 | noun | enforcement of law |
審査 (しんさ) | N2 | noun | examination, review |
事実上 (じじつじょう) | N2 | adverb | in effect, virtually |
依頼する (いらいする) | N2 | irregular verb | to request, to ask |
参加する (さんかする) | N3 | irregular verb | to participate |
影響 (えいきょう) | N3 | noun | influence |
重要 (じゅうよう) | N3 | な-adjective | important |
公正 (こうせい) | N2 | な-adjective | fair, just |
違反 (いはん) | N2 | noun | violation |
事業者 (じぎょうしゃ) | N2 | noun | business operator |
取引条件 (とりひきじょうけん) | N2 | noun | transaction conditions |
価格設定 (かかくせってい) | N2 | noun | price setting |
運営 (うんえい) | N2 | noun | management |
役割 (やくわり) | N3 | noun | role |
対応 (たいおう) | N3 | noun | correspondence, response |
進行 (しんこう) | N3 | noun | progress |
収益 (しゅうえき) | N2 | noun | revenue |
目的 (もくてき) | N3 | noun | purpose |
重要性 (じゅうようせい) | N2 | noun | importance |
競争 (きょうそう) | N3 | noun | competition |
Grammar and Sentence Structure
Sentence: 「関係者によると、同社は運営するサイトで商品ごとに優先的に表示される出品者の枠「カートボックス」の選定条件として、出品者に他の通販サイトより「競争力のある価格設定」を求めて事実上の値下げを求めたり、自社が提供する物流サービスの利用を強いたりした疑いがある。」
Grammatical Points:
- 「によると」: This phrase means “according to” and is used to indicate the source of information.
- 「として」: This is a particle used to indicate a role or function, translating to “as” or “in the capacity of.”
- 「たり…たりする」: This structure is used to list actions or states, implying that there are multiple examples of actions being taken.
- The sentence begins with a reference to “関係者によると” (according to sources), setting the context.
- It then describes the actions of the company (同社) in relation to the “カートボックス” (cart box) selection criteria.
- The sentence lists two main actions: demanding competitive pricing and forcing the use of their logistics services, using the “たり…たり” structure to indicate these are examples of the company’s behavior.
Sentence: 「公取委は、こうした行為が独占禁止法違反(不公正な取引方法)に当たるとみて調査しており、アンケートを通じて出品者から効率的に情報を収集し、実態解明を進めるという。」
Grammatical Points:
- 「に当たる」: This phrase means “to fall under” or “to correspond to,” indicating that the actions are considered a violation of the law.
- 「とみて」: This expression means “considering that” or “regarding,” used to indicate the viewpoint of the subject.
- 「という」: This is a sentence-ending phrase that indicates what has been said or reported, often used to convey indirect speech.
- The sentence starts with the subject (公取委) and states their view on the actions being a violation of the law.
- It continues with the ongoing investigation and the method of collecting information through a survey.
- The final part indicates the purpose of the information collection, which is to clarify the actual situation.
Sentence: 「経済産業省は27日、アマゾンジャパンの行為を独禁法違反と認め、公取委に同社への適当な対応を求める「措置請求」を25日付で行ったと発表した。」
Grammatical Points:
- 「と認め」: This means “to recognize” or “to acknowledge,” indicating acceptance of the actions as a violation.
- 「求める」: This verb means “to request” or “to demand,” showing the action taken by the ministry.
- 「付で」: This particle indicates the date something was done, translating to “as of” or “on.”
- The sentence begins with the subject (経済産業省) and the date of the announcement.
- It states that the ministry recognizes Amazon Japan’s actions as a violation of the antitrust law.
- It concludes with the action taken (the request for appropriate measures) and specifies the date on which this request was made.
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