
「吹奏楽の甲子園」にオホーツクの公立高 遠軽町長感激「町の誇り」


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Word (Furigana)JLPT LevelPart of SpeechMeaning
吹奏楽 (すいそうがく)N1Nounbrass band; wind ensemble
甲子園 (こうしえん)N1NounKoshien (stadium); national high school baseball tournament
全日本 (ぜんにほん)N1Nounall Japan
高校 (こうこう)N3Nounhigh school
(ぶ)N4Nounclub; department
名古屋市 (なごやし)N3NounNagoya City
北海道 (ほっかいどう)N3NounHokkaido
オホーツク管内 (おほーつくかんない)N1NounOkhotsk Subprefecture
公立校 (こうりつこう)N1Nounpublic school
遠軽 (とおがる)N1NounTogaru (town in Hokkaido)
出場 (しゅつじょう)N3Nounparticipation
結果 (けっか)N4Nounresult
人口 (じんこう)N3Nounpopulation
(まん)N4Nounten thousand
1次産業 (いちじさんぎょう)N1Nounprimary industry
さかん (さかん)N4Adjectivepopular; prosperous
唯一 (ゆいいつ)N3Adjectiveonly; sole
支援 (しえん)N3Nounsupport
政策 (せいさく)N3Nounpolicy
取り組む (とりくむ)N3Verb (Godan)to tackle; to deal with
下宿生 (げしゅくせい)N1Nounboarding student
最大 (さいだい)N3Nounmaximum; largest
助成 (じょせい)N3Nounsubsidy
部活 (ぶかつ)N3Nounclub activities
貸し切り (かしきり)N3Nouncharter
使う (つかう)N4Verb (Godan)to use
1台 (いちだい)N3Nounone unit
超える (こえる)N3Verb (Ichidan)to exceed
吹奏楽局 (すいそうがくきょく)N1Nounbrass band department
昨夏 (さっか)N3Nounlast summer
地元 (じもと)N3Nounlocal
完成 (かんせい)N3Nouncompletion
音楽ホール (おんがくほーる)N3Nounmusic hall
無料 (むりょう)N4Nounfree of charge
佐々木修一 (ささきしゅういち)N1NameShuichi Sasaki
町長 (ちょうちょう)N3Nounmayor
駆けつける (かけつける)N3Verb (Ichidan)to rush to
全日本 (ぜんにほん)N1Nounall Japan
すばらしい (すばらしい)N4Adjectivewonderful
演奏 (えんそう)N3Nounperformance
誇り (ほこり)N3Nounpride
最大 (さいだい)N3Nounmaximum; largest
応援者 (おうえんしゃ)N3Nounsupporter
続ける (つづける)N4Verb (Ichidan)to continue
ラグビー部 (らぐびーぶ)N3Nounrugby club
花園 (はなぞの)N3NounHanazono (stadium)
出場 (しゅつじょう)N3Nounparticipation
決める (きめる)N4Verb (Ichidan)to decide
原知恵子 (はらちえこ)N1NameChieko Hara

Grammar and Sentence Structure

  1. 「下宿生1人あたり町が最大月3万円を助成」

    1. Grammatical points: 助成 (josei) means “subsidy” or “grant”. あたり (atari) means “per” or “for each”. 最大 (saidai) means “maximum” or “up to”. 月 (tsuki) means “month”.
    2. Structure of the sentence: This sentence is describing the subsidy provided by the town for each boarding student, with a maximum of 30,000 yen per month.
  2. 「部活で貸し切りバスを使ったら1台につき最大3万円助成」

    1. Grammatical points: 部活 (bukatsu) means “club activities” or “club”. 貸し切り (kashikiri) means “chartered” or “rented exclusively”. 使ったら (tsukattara) is the conditional form of the verb 使う (tsukau), meaning “to use”. 1台につき (1-dai ni tsuki) means “per one vehicle”. 最大 (saidai) means “maximum” or “up to”. 3万円 (sanmanen) means “30,000 yen”. 助成 (josei) means “subsidy” or “grant”.
    2. Structure of the sentence: This sentence is explaining that if a club uses a chartered bus, they will receive a subsidy of up to 30,000 yen per vehicle.
  3. 「吹奏楽局は、昨夏に地元に完成した音楽ホールを無料で使えるという」

    1. Grammatical points: 吹奏楽局 (suisougaku kyoku) means “wind ensemble department” or “wind band division”. 昨夏 (sakka) means “last summer”. 地元 (jimoto) means “local” or “hometown”. 完成した (kansei shita) is the past tense of the verb 完成する (kansei suru), meaning “to complete”. 音楽ホール (ongaku hooru) means “music hall”. 無料で (muryou de) means “for free” or “without charge”. 使える (tsukaeru) is the potential form of the verb 使う (tsukau), meaning “to use”.
    2. Structure of the sentence: This sentence is stating that the wind ensemble department can use the music hall that was completed in the local area last summer for free.