
新年度予算案、維新が賛成決め成立へ 高校無償化めぐる合意案を了承


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Word (Furigana)JLPT LevelPart of SpeechMeaning
無償化 (むしょうか)N2nounfree of charge
合意 (ごうい)N2nounagreement
了承 (りょうしょう)N2noun/verb (godan)consent; to consent
賛成 (さんせい)N2noun/verb (godan)approval; to approve
成立 (せいりつ)N2noun/verb (godan)establishment; to establish
実現 (じつげん)N2noun/verb (godan)realization; to realize
引き下げ (ひきさげ)N2noun/verb (godan)reduction; to reduce
撤廃 (てっぱい)N2noun/verb (godan)abolition; to abolish
上限 (じょうげん)N2nounupper limit
早期 (そうき)N2noun/adverbearly; early stage
(とう)N3nounpolitical party
会合 (かいごう)N2nounmeeting
党首 (とうしゅ)N2nounparty leader
署名 (しょめい)N2noun/verb (godan)signature; to sign
見通し (みとおし)N2nounoutlook; prospect
進める (すすめる)N2verb (ichidan)to advance; to promote
具体的 (ぐたいてき)N2な-adjectiveconcrete; specific
焦点 (しょうてん)N2nounfocus
重要 (じゅうよう)N2な-adjectiveimportant
条件 (じょうけん)N2nouncondition
体制 (たいせい)N2nounsystem; structure
予算 (よさん)N2nounbudget
確実 (かくじつ)N2な-adjectivecertain; sure
進行 (しんこう)N2noun/verb (godan)progress; to proceed
対応 (たいおう)N2noun/verb (godan)correspondence; to correspond
参加 (さんか)N3noun/verb (suru)participation; to participate
影響 (えいきょう)N2noun/verb (suru)influence; to influence
促進 (そくしん)N2noun/verb (suru)promotion; to promote
施策 (しさく)N2nounpolicy measure
進展 (しんてん)N2noun/verb (suru)progress; to progress
期待 (きたい)N2noun/verb (suru)expectation; to expect
形成 (けいせい)N2noun/verb (suru)formation; to form
重要視 (じゅうようし)N2noun/verb (suru)to regard as important

Grammar and Sentence Structure

  1. Sentence: 維新は予算案賛成の条件として、高校無償化や社会保険料の引き下げなどを実現するよう求めていた。

    Grammatical Points:

    • 条件として (じょうけんとして): This phrase means “as a condition.” It indicates that what follows is a prerequisite for the preceding action.
    • 実現する (じつげんする): This verb means “to realize” or “to achieve.” It is in the plain form, indicating a general statement.
    • よう (よう): This is used to express a desire or intention, often translated as “to” or “in order to.”


    • The subject is “維新” (Ishin), followed by the main verb “求めていた” (was requesting). The phrase “予算案賛成の条件として” sets the context for what they were requesting. The objects of their request are “高校無償化や社会保険料の引き下げなど” (such as high school tuition-free education and reduction of social insurance premiums), which are connected by “や” (and).
  2. Sentence: 合意文書案では、焦点となっていた高校授業料の支援金について、来年度から公立・私立向けの上限年11万8800円について所得制限を撤廃。

    Grammatical Points:

    • 焦点となっていた (しょうてんとなっていた): This phrase means “had been the focus.” The verb “なる” (to become) is in the passive form, indicating that the subject (高校授業料の支援金) was the focus of attention.
    • 撤廃 (てっぱい): This noun means “abolition” or “removal.” It is often used in formal contexts regarding laws or regulations.


    • The sentence begins with “合意文書案では” (in the agreement document), which sets the context. The main clause discusses “高校授業料の支援金について” (regarding the support funds for high school tuition), followed by the action “所得制限を撤廃” (abolish income restrictions). The phrase “来年度から公立・私立向けの上限年11万8800円について” specifies the conditions under which the abolition applies.
  3. Sentence: 与党は参院で過半数を得ていることから、予算案は衆院で与党と維新の賛成多数で可決され、その後に成立することが確実な情勢だ。

    Grammatical Points:

    • ことから (ことから): This phrase indicates a reason or cause, meaning “because” or “due to.”
    • 可決され (かけつされ): This is the passive form of the verb “可決する” (to pass a resolution), indicating that the budget proposal will be passed by someone (the majority).
    • 情勢だ (じょうせいだ): This means “the situation is” or “it is a situation.” It indicates the current state of affairs.


    • The sentence starts with “与党は参院で過半数を得ていることから” (Because the ruling party has obtained a majority in the House of Councillors), establishing the reason. The main clause states that “予算案は衆院で与党と維新の賛成多数で可決され” (the budget proposal will be passed in the House of Representatives by a majority of the ruling party and Ishin), followed by the conclusion “その後に成立することが確実な情勢だ” (it is a situation that it will be established afterward).


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