
日経平均一時1000円超下落、3万8000円割れ 中東情勢悪化で


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Word (Furigana)JLPT LevelPart of SpeechMeaning
反落 (はんらく)N2godan verbto fall back, to decline
大幅 (おおはば)N2な-adjectivesignificant, large
安い (やすい)N5い-adjectivecheap, low
発射 (はっしゃ)N2godan verbto launch, to fire
高まる (たかまる)N2godan verbto rise, to increase
避ける (さける)N2godan verbto avoid
強める (つよめる)N2ichidan verbto strengthen
下落 (げらく)N2godan verbto fall, to drop
引き継ぐ (ひきつぐ)N2godan verbto inherit, to take over
売り (うり)N2nounselling, sale
押し下げる (おしさげる)N2ichidan verbto push down
動揺 (どうよう)N2nounagitation, disturbance
印象 (いんしょう)N2nounimpression
急落 (きゅうらく)N2nounsudden drop
反発 (はんぱつ)N2nounrebound, counteraction
緊張 (きんちょう)N2nountension
景気 (けいき)N2nouneconomy, business conditions
先行 (せんこう)N2noun/verbprecedence, to lead
影響 (えいきょう)N2nouninfluence
重要 (じゅうよう)N2な-adjectiveimportant
直面 (ちょくめん)N2noun/verbfacing, to confront
緊迫 (きんぱく)N2nountension, urgency
変動 (へんどう)N2nounfluctuation
主要 (しゅよう)N2な-adjectivemain, principal
取引 (とりひき)N2nountransaction
記録 (きろく)N2noun/verbrecord, to record
警戒 (けいかい)N2noun/verbvigilance, to be cautious
影響を与える (えいきょうをあたえる)N2godan verbto influence
増加 (ぞうか)N2noun/verbincrease, to increase
反応 (はんのう)N2noun/verbreaction, to react
進展 (しんてん)N2noun/verbprogress, to progress
変化 (へんか)N3noun/verbchange, to change

Grammar and Sentence Structure

  1. Sentence: 「下げ幅が1000円を超える場面もあった。」

    • Grammatical Points:

      • 下げ幅 (さげはば): This noun means “decline” or “drop” in terms of stock prices.
      • : This is the subject marker, indicating that “the decline” is the subject of the sentence.
      • を超える (をこえる): This verb phrase means “to exceed” or “to go beyond.” The particle indicates the direct object of the verb.
      • 場面 (ばめん): This noun means “situation” or “scene.”
      • : This particle means “also” or “even,” suggesting that this situation is one of several possibilities.
      • あった: This is the past tense of the verb ある, meaning “to exist” or “to have occurred.”
    • Structure:

      • The sentence can be broken down into:
        • Subject: 下げ幅が (the decline)
        • Verb phrase: 超える (exceed)
        • Object: 1000円 (1000 yen)
        • Modifier: 場面もあった (there were also situations)
      • The overall meaning is that there were instances where the decline exceeded 1000 yen.
  2. Sentence: 「市場は思いがけないイランの攻撃にやや動揺している印象だ。」

    • Grammatical Points:

      • 市場 (しじょう): This noun means “market.”
      • : This is the topic marker, indicating that the market is the topic of discussion.
      • 思いがけない (おもいがけない): This is an adjective meaning “unexpected” or “unforeseen.”
      • イランの攻撃 (イランのこうげき): This phrase means “Iran’s attack,” where indicates possession.
      • : This particle indicates the target of the action, in this case, the attack.
      • やや: This adverb means “somewhat” or “slightly.”
      • 動揺している (どうようしている): This is the present continuous form of the verb 動揺する, meaning “to be shaken” or “to be disturbed.”
      • 印象 (いんしょう): This noun means “impression.”
      • : This is a copula, indicating that the sentence is a declarative statement.
    • Structure:

      • The sentence can be broken down into:
        • Topic: 市場は (the market)
        • Description: 思いがけないイランの攻撃に (by Iran’s unexpected attack)
        • State: やや動揺している (is somewhat shaken)
        • Conclusion: 印象だ (is the impression)
      • The overall meaning is that the market seems to be somewhat shaken by Iran’s unexpected attack.
  3. Sentence: 「中東情勢の緊迫化が加わり、荒い値動きが続いている。」

    • Grammatical Points:

      • 中東情勢 (ちゅうとうじょうせい): This noun means “Middle Eastern situation.”
      • : This particle indicates possession or a descriptive relationship.
      • 緊迫化 (きんぱくか): This noun means “intensification” or “tightening.”
      • : This is the subject marker, indicating that the intensification is the subject of the sentence.
      • 加わり (くわわり): This is the conjunctive form of the verb 加わる, meaning “to join” or “to add.”
      • 荒い (あらい): This adjective means “rough” or “volatile.”
      • 値動き (ねうごき): This noun means “price movement.”
      • : This is another subject marker for the next subject.
      • 続いている (つづいている): This is the present continuous form of the verb 続く, meaning “to continue.”
    • Structure:

      • The sentence can be broken down into:
        • Subject 1: 中東情勢の緊迫化が (the intensification of the Middle Eastern situation)
        • Action: 加わり (is added)
        • Subject 2: 荒い値動きが (rough price movements)
        • State: 続いている (is continuing)
      • The overall meaning is that the intensification of the Middle Eastern situation is adding to the ongoing rough price movements.


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