
長岡京の北限はさらに北だった? 通説より北で交差点の跡など発見


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調査ちょうさ道路どうろ整備せいび工事こうじともない、今年ことし6がつから実施じっしした。調査ちょうさ面積はやく2せん平方メートルへいほうめーとる現地げんち説明会せつめいかいは21にち午前ごぜん10半から。当日とうじつ問い合わせといあわせ現地げんち事務所じむしょ(080・4854・8962)へ。(才本さいもと 淳子じゅんこ


Word (Furigana)JLPT LevelPart of SpeechMeaning
遷都 (せんと)N2godan verbto transfer the capital
発見 (はっけん)N2godan verbto discover
碁盤 (ごばん)N2noungo board (grid pattern)
張り巡らす (はりめぐらす)N1godan verbto stretch out (in a network)
確定 (かくてい)N2noun/ichidan verbto determine, to establish
明確 (めいかく)N2な-adjectiveclear, definite
指摘 (してき)N2godan verbto point out
可能性 (かのうせい)N2nounpossibility
実施 (じっし)N2noun/ichidan verbto implement, to carry out
調査 (ちょうさ)N2noun/ichidan verbto investigate, survey
形成 (けいせい)N2noun/ichidan verbto form, to shape
再考 (さいこう)N2noun/ichidan verbto reconsider
拡大 (かくだい)N2noun/ichidan verbto expand
変える (かえる)N3godan verbto change
確認 (かくにん)N2noun/ichidan verbto confirm
可能 (かのう)N2な-adjectivepossible
重要 (じゅうよう)N2な-adjectiveimportant
位置 (いち)N2nounposition
交差 (こうさ)N2noun/ichidan verbto intersect, to cross
伝える (つたえる)N2godan verbto convey, to tell
進める (すすめる)N2ichidan verbto advance, to promote
伴う (ともなう)N2godan verbto accompany, to involve
変化 (へんか)N2noun/ichidan verbto change
位置づける (いちづける)N1ichidan verbto position, to place
検討 (けんとう)N2noun/ichidan verbto consider, to examine
進行 (しんこう)N2noun/ichidan verbto progress, to advance
形成する (けいせいする)N2irregular verbto form, to shape
重要視 (じゅうようし)N2noun/ichidan verbto regard as important
影響 (えいきょう)N2noun/ichidan verbto influence
担う (になう)N1godan verbto bear, to carry
進め (すすめ)N2nounadvance, promotion
変わる (かわる)N3godan verbto change

Grammar and Sentence Structure

  1. Sentence: 「調査は、長岡京の北限とされる「北京極大路」の約120メートル北で実施。」

    • Grammatical Points:

      • 「とされる」: This is a passive form indicating that something is considered or regarded as such. Here, it means “is considered to be.”
      • 「約」: This means “approximately” and is used to indicate an estimation.
      • 「で」: This particle indicates the location or context in which an action takes place.
    • Structure:

      • The sentence begins with the subject 「調査は」 (the investigation), followed by a description of where it was conducted. The phrase 「長岡京の北限とされる」 describes the northern limit of Nagaokakyo, and 「約120メートル北で実施」 specifies that the investigation was conducted approximately 120 meters north of that limit.
  2. Sentence: 「市埋文研は「宮の北に宅地があったことが明確になり、碁盤目状の宅地が広がっていた可能性が高まった」としている。」

    • Grammatical Points:

      • 「明確になり」: This is the conjunctive form of the verb 「明確になる」 (to become clear), linking it to the next clause.
      • 「可能性が高まった」: This phrase means “the possibility increased,” where 「可能性」 (possibility) is the subject and 「高まった」 is the past tense of the verb meaning “to rise” or “to increase.”
      • 「としている」: This indicates that the subject (市埋文研) is stating or asserting something.
    • Structure:

      • The sentence starts with the subject 「市埋文研は」 (the city archaeological research institute), followed by a quotation that explains their findings. The quotation contains two main ideas: first, that it has become clear that there was residential land north of the palace, and second, that the possibility of a grid-like residential area spreading out has increased.
  3. Sentence: 「ただ、7世紀末から8世紀初頭に奈良盆地南部に営まれた藤原京のように、もともと宮を京域の中心に置く特異な形だったのか、何らかの理由で結果的に宮の北側に宅地が形成されていったのかは議論が分かれているという。」

    • Grammatical Points:

      • 「ように」: This phrase means “like” or “as,” used to make a comparison.
      • 「特異な形だったのか」: This part questions whether it was a unique form, where 「特異な」 means “unique” and 「形だった」 is the past form of “to be.”
      • 「議論が分かれている」: This means “the discussion is divided,” where 「分かれている」 indicates a state of division or disagreement.
    • Structure:

      • The sentence begins with a contrastive phrase 「ただ」 (however), followed by a complex comparison to Fujiwara-kyō. It presents two possibilities regarding the layout of residential areas relative to the palace: whether it was originally designed with the palace at the center or if residential areas formed north of the palace for some reason. The sentence concludes with the assertion that there is disagreement on this topic.


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