NYダウ、2日連続で最高値 S&Pは一時初の5000の大台に
Word (Furigana) | JLPT Level | Part of Speech | Meaning |
つくる (作る) | N4 | Godan verb | to make, to create |
値上がり (ねあがり) | N3 | Noun | increase in value, rise in price |
更新した (こうしんした) | N3 | Verb | updated |
発表した (はっぴょうした) | N3 | Verb | announced |
上回った (うわまわった) | N3 | Verb | exceeded |
買い入れ (かいいれ) | N3 | Noun | purchase, buying |
上昇し (じょうしょうし) | N3 | Verb | rose, increased |
終値 (しゅうち) | N3 | Noun | closing price |
相次いで (あいついで) | N2 | Adverb | successively, one after another |
幅広く (はばひろく) | N2 | Adverb | widely, extensively |
網羅する (もうらする) | N2 | Suru verb | to cover, to include |
取引時間中 (とりひきじかんちゅう) | N2 | Noun | during trading hours |
一時的に (いちじてきに) | N2 | Adverb | temporarily |
割り込んだ (わりこんだ) | N2 | Verb | fell below, dipped |
上昇した (じょうしょうした) | N2 | Verb | rose, increased |
指数 (しすう) | N2 | Noun | index, indices |
時価総額 (じかそうがく) | N1 | Noun | market capitalization |
影響 (えいきょう) | N2 | Noun | influence, impact |
牽引 (けんいん) | N1 | Noun | leading, pulling |
取引 (とりひき) | N3 | Noun | transaction, dealing |
終えた (おえた) | N3 | Verb | finished, concluded |
主要 (しゅよう) | N2 | Na-adjective | main, principal |
利益 (りえき) | N3 | Noun | profit, earnings |
計画 (けいかく) | N3 | Noun | plan, project |
大幅に (おおはばに) | N2 | Adverb | significantly, substantially |
幅広い (はばひろい) | N2 | I-adjective | wide, extensive |
約 (やく) | N3 | Adverb | approximately, about |
一部 (いちぶ) | N3 | Noun | part, portion |
牽引 (けんいん) | N1 | Noun | leading, pulling |
幅広い (はばひろい) | N1 | I-adjective | wide, extensive |
Grammar and Sentence Structure
- Grammatical points: This sentence includes the use of the comparative form “より” to indicate “compared to the previous day” and the structure for expressing a specific amount using numbers and units.
- Structure of the sentence:
- ダウの終値は (Dow’s closing price)
- 前日より (compared to the previous day)
- 48・97ドル (48.97 dollars)
- (0・13%)高い (higher by 0.13%)
- 3万8726・33ドルだった (was 38,726.33 dollars)
- Grammatical points: This sentence contains the relative clause “幅広く網羅する” (covering widely) and the verb “超えた” (exceeded) in the past tense form.
- Structure of the sentence:
- 米大企業を幅広く網羅する株価指数「S&P500」が (The stock price index “S&P500,” which widely covers major U.S. companies)
- 取引時間中に (during the trading hours)
- 史上初めて (for the first time in history)
- 5000の大台を (the milestone of 5000)
- 超えた (exceeded)
- Grammatical points: This sentence features the use of the particle “や” to list examples, the relative clause “時価総額が大きく指数への影響も大きい” (having a large market capitalization and a significant impact on the index), and the verb “牽引している” (leading).
- Structure of the sentence:
- 米アップルや米マイクロソフトなど、 (such as U.S. Apple and U.S. Microsoft)
- 時価総額が大きく指数への影響も大きい (having a large market capitalization and a significant impact on the index)
- 一部の米IT大手株の (some major U.S. IT stocks)
- 大幅な値上がりが (significant price increases)
- 全体を牽引している (are leading the overall market)
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