
「世界ふしぎ発見!」レギュラー放送終了へ 草野さん「天職だった」


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WordJLPT LevelPart of SpeechMeaning
発表する (はっぴょうする)N3verb (irregular)to announce
続く (つづく)N3verb (godan)to continue
終了する (しゅうりょうする)N3verb (irregular)to end
特番 (とくばん)N3nounspecial program
解き明かす (ときあかす)N3verb (godan)to solve/reveal
放送する (ほうそうする)N3verb (irregular)to broadcast
出演する (しゅつえんする)N3verb (irregular)to appear (on stage/screen)
司会を務める (しかいをつとめる)N3verb phraseto serve as a host
連続する (れんぞくする)N3verb (irregular)to occur consecutively
大きい (おおきい)N4い-adjectivebig
出来る (できる)N4verb (ichidan)can/do/make
見る (みる)N4verb (ichidan)to watch
言う (いう)N4verb (godan)to say
寄せる (よせる)N4verb (ichidan)to send
覚える (おぼえる)N4verb (ichidan)to remember
思う (おもう)N4verb (godan)to think
務める (つとめる)N4verb (ichidan)to serve
楽しむ (たのしむ)N4verb (godan)to enjoy
捌く (さばく)N4verb (godan)to deal with
入れる (いれる)N4verb (ichidan)to put in
集める (あつめる)N4verb (ichidan)to collect
横浜 (よこはま)Proper NounnounYokohama (city in Japan)
重圧 (じゅうあつ)N3nounpressure
慣れる (なれる)N4verb (ichidan)to get used to
覚える (おぼえる)N4verb (ichidan)to remember
半年 (はんとし)N4nounhalf a year
入れる (いれる)N4verb (ichidan)to put in
気合 (きあい)N4nounfighting spirit
臨む (のぞむ)N4verb (godan)to face/approach
若手 (わかて)N4nounyoung person
お年寄り(おとしより)N4nounelderly person
豪華 (ごうか)N3な-adjectivegorgeous/amazing

Grammar and Sentence Structure

Sentence 1:


  1. Explain grammatical points:

    • 「苦戦の連続でした」: This phrase means “it was a series of struggles.” The noun “連続” (series) is modified by the noun phrase “苦戦の” (of struggles).
    • 「毎週芸能界の第一線で活躍されている豪華な方々をゲストにお迎えして番組を差配していく」:
      • 「毎週芸能界の第一線で活躍されている豪華な方々」: This long noun phrase means “luxurious people who are active at the forefront of the entertainment world every week.” The nouns “方々” (people) and “豪華な” (luxurious) modify the noun phrase “芸能界の第一線で活躍されている” (active at the forefront of the entertainment world). The verb “活躍されている” is in the passive form, indicating that these people are being active.
      • 「ゲストにお迎えして番組を差配していく」: This phrase means “welcoming guests and managing the program.” The verb phrase “ゲストにお迎えして” (welcoming guests) is connected to the verb phrase “番組を差配していく” (managing the program).
  2. Explain the structure of the sentence:

    • This sentence is composed of two main clauses connected by the particle “でした” (was). The first clause is 「最初は苦戦の連続でした」 (It was a series of struggles at first), and the second clause is 「毎週芸能界の第一線で活躍されている豪華な方々をゲストにお迎えして番組を差配していく重圧はとてつもなく大きいものでした」 (The pressure of welcoming luxurious people who are active at the forefront of the entertainment world every week as guests and managing the program was incredibly big).

Sentence 2:

現在クイズマスターの形で出演する草野仁さん(79)が、今年 4 月に石井亮次さん(46)に交代するまで司会を務めていた。

  1. Explain grammatical points:

    • 「現在クイズマスターの形で出演する」: This phrase means “currently appearing in the form of a quiz master.” The noun “形” (form) is modified by the noun phrase “クイズマスターの” (of a quiz master). The verb phrase “出演する” (appear) is connected to the noun phrase “クイズマスターの形で” (in the form of a quiz master).
    • 「今年 4 月に石井亮次さん(46)に交代するまで」: This phrase means “until April of this year when Ito Ryōji (46) took over.” The noun “今年 4 月” (April of this year) is modified by the clause “石井亮次さん(46)に交代するまで” (until Ito Ryōji (46) took over). The verb phrase “交代する” (take over) is connected to the noun phrase “石井亮次さん(46)に” (to Ito Ryōji (46)).
    • 「司会を務めていた」: This phrase means “had been serving as the host.” The noun “司会” (host) is modified by the object marker を (marking “司会” as the object) and the verb phrase “務めていた” (had been serving).
  2. Explain the structure of the sentence:

    • This sentence consists of two phrases connected by the particle が (indicating subject). The first phrase is 「現在クイズマスターの形で出演する草野仁さん(79)が」 (Kusano Jin-san (79), who is currently appearing in the form of a quiz master), and the second phrase is 「今年 4 月に石井亮次さん(46)に交代するまで司会を務めていた」 (had been serving as the host until Ito Ryōji (46) took over in April of this year).

Sentence 3:


  1. Explain grammatical points:

    • 「ちゃんと勉強してこなかった歴史が、仕事で出来るんですから」: This phrase means “because I can do history, which I did not study properly, as a job.” The noun “歴史” (history) is modified by the subject marker が (marking “歴史” as the subject) and the relative clause “ちゃんと勉強してこなかった” (that I did not study properly). The verb phrase “仕事で出来る” (do as a job) is connected to the noun phrase “歴史が” (history).
    • 「さらに気合を入れて臨みます!」: This phrase means “I will prepare even harder!” The noun “気合” (determination) is modified by the object marker を (marking “気合” as the object) and the verb phrase “入れて臨みます” (will prepare/handle).
  2. Explain the structure of the sentence:

    • This sentence consists of two main clauses connected by the particle は (indicating contrast). The first main clause is 「学校時代、ちゃんと勉強してこなかった歴史が、仕事で出来るんですから、こんなにありがたいことはありませんでした」 (Because I can do history, which I did not study properly in school, as a job, there is nothing more grateful than this), and the second main clause is 「石井さんはさらに気合を入れて臨みます!」 (Ito-san will prepare even harder!).