2日未明の円急騰、3兆円規模の為替介入か 日銀統計から推計
Word (Reading) | JLPT Level | Part of Speech | Meaning |
外国為替 (がいこくかわせ) | N2 | Noun | foreign exchange |
相場 (そうば) | N3 | Noun | market price |
急騰 (きゅうとう) | N1 | Verb | soar, surge |
政府 (せいふ) | N3 | Noun | government |
日本銀行 (にほんぎんこう) | N1 | Noun | Bank of Japan |
規模 (きぼ) | N2 | Noun | scale, scope |
介入 (かいにゅう) | N1 | Noun | intervention |
実施 (じっし) | N2 | Noun | implementation |
可能性 (かのうせい) | N2 | Noun | possibility |
分かる (わかる) | N4 | Verb | to understand |
元 (もと) | N3 | Noun | origin, basis |
市場関係者 (しじょうかんけいしゃ) | N1 | Noun | market participant |
推計 (すいけい) | N1 | Noun | estimate |
公表 (こうひょう) | N2 | Noun | announcement |
見方 (みかた) | N2 | Noun | perspective |
広がる (ひろがる) | N3 | Verb | to spread |
財務省 (ざいむしょう) | N1 | Noun | Ministry of Finance |
指示 (しじ) | N2 | Noun | instruction |
行う (おこなう) | N4 | Verb | to carry out |
当座預金 (とうざよきん) | N1 | Noun | demand deposit |
減る (へる) | N3 | Verb | to decrease |
決済 (けっさい) | N1 | Noun | settlement |
急速 (きゅうそく) | N1 | Adjective | rapid |
反映 (はんえい) | N1 | Noun | reflection |
公表する (こうひょうする) | N2 | Verb | to announce |
予想 (よそう) | N2 | Noun | expectation |
財政 (ざいせい) | N2 | Noun | finance |
事前 (じぜん) | N1 | Noun | prior |
差 (さ) | N3 | Noun | difference |
ずれ (ずれ) | N1 | Noun | discrepancy |
Grammar and Sentence Structure
Sentence 1:
- Explanation of grammatical points: The sentence includes the phrase “政府と日本銀行が3兆円規模の円買いドル売りの為替介入を実施した可能性があることが分かった.”
- Explanation of the structure: This sentence follows the pattern of “Noun A が Noun B を Verb + ことが分かった.” Here, “政府と日本銀行” (Government and Bank of Japan) is the subject marked by が, “3兆円規模の円買いドル売りの為替介入” (a 3 trillion yen scale intervention of buying yen and selling dollars) is the object marked by を, and “実施した可能性がある” (there is a possibility that it was implemented) is the verb phrase indicating the action.
Sentence 2:
- Explanation of grammatical points: The sentence contains the phrase “円買いドル売りの介入の際は、民間の金融機関が日銀に預ける当座預金が減る.”
- Explanation of the structure: This sentence uses the pattern “Noun A が Noun B が Verb.” Here, “円買いドル売りの介入” (intervention of buying yen and selling dollars) is the subject marked by が, “民間の金融機関” (private financial institutions) is the object marked by は, and “日銀に預ける当座預金が減る” (the current deposits deposited with the Bank of Japan decrease) is the verb phrase indicating the action.
Sentence 3:
- Explanation of grammatical points: The sentence includes the phrase “今回の急速な円高が介入だった場合、7日の当座預金の増減に反映されるとみられていた.”
- Explanation of the structure: This sentence follows the pattern of “Noun A が Noun B に Verb + とみられていた.” Here, “今回の急速な円高” (the rapid appreciation of the yen this time) is the subject marked by が, “介入だった場合” (if it was an intervention) is the object marked by に, and “7日の当座預金の増減に反映される” (will be reflected in the increase or decrease of current deposits on the 7th) is the verb phrase indicating the action.
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