大阪府議会の副議長は自民に 万博の課題追及する公明に維新が難色
Word (Reading) | JLPT Level | Part of Speech | Meaning |
就任する (しゅうにんする) | N2 | Verb | to assume office |
見通し (みとおし) | N2 | Noun | outlook, prospect |
追及する (ついきゅうする) | N1 | Verb | to pursue, to investigate |
難色を示す (なんしょくをしめす) | N1 | Expression | to show reluctance |
検討する (けんとうする) | N2 | Verb | to consider, to examine |
擁立する (ようりつする) | N1 | Verb | to nominate, to support |
見送る (みおくる) | N2 | Verb | to defer, to postpone |
慣例 (かんれい) | N2 | Noun | custom, precedent |
選ぶ (えらぶ) | N4 | Verb | to choose, to select |
遅れ (おくれ) | N3 | Noun | delay |
増額 (ぞうがく) | N1 | Noun | increase, augmentation |
対立する (たいりつする) | N2 | Verb | to confront, to oppose |
募る (つのる) | N1 | Verb | to raise, to gather |
譲る (ゆずる) | N3 | Verb | to yield, to concede |
反対意見 (はんたいいけん) | N2 | Noun | opposing opinion |
伝達する (でんたつする) | N1 | Verb | to convey, to transmit |
返答する (へんとうする) | N2 | Verb | to reply, to respond |
協力する (きょうりょくする) | N4 | Verb | to cooperate, to collaborate |
重要 (じゅうよう) | N4 | Adjective | important, significant |
頑張る (がんばる) | N4 | Verb | to do one’s best, to persevere |
説明する (せつめいする) | N3 | Verb | to explain, to describe |
臨時会 (りんじかい) | N1 | Noun | special session |
正式 (せいしき) | N2 | Adjective | formal, official |
決定する (けっていする) | N3 | Verb | to decide, to determine |
Grammar and Sentence Structure
Sentence 1:
- Grammatical points: 擁立を検討したが、最終的に見送った
- Structure: This sentence consists of two verbs, 検討する (to consider) and 見送る (to postpone). The conjunction が is used to connect the two actions, indicating that the subject (公明) considered endorsing someone for the position but ultimately decided against it.
Sentence 2:
- Grammatical points: 副議長を出してきた
- Structure: This sentence uses the verb 出す in the context of selecting someone for a position. Here, 公明 is the subject and 副議長 is the position being filled. The particle を marks the direct object, indicating that 公明 has been selecting or nominating someone for the position of 副議長.
Sentence 3:
- Grammatical points: 副議長ポストを公明に譲ることに反対意見が出ていた
- Structure: This sentence includes the verb 譲る (to yield) and the noun ポスト (position). The subject (維新) is expressing opposition to the idea of yielding the position of 副議長 to 公明. The structure indicates that there were opposing opinions within 維新 regarding the decision to give the position to 公明.
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