小池氏と蓮舫氏、記者会見の形式に違い 同日に都知事選の公約発表
Word (Furigana) | JLPT Level | Part of Speech | Meaning |
立候補 (りっこうほ) | N2 | Verb | to run for election |
発表 (はっぴょう) | N3 | Noun | announcement |
選挙 (せんきょ) | N3 | Noun | election |
軸 (じく) | N1 | Noun | axis |
方法 (ほうほう) | N3 | Noun | method |
対照的 (たいしょうてき) | N1 | Adjective | contrasting |
完全 (かんぜん) | N2 | Adjective | complete |
直接的 (ちょくせつてき) | N1 | Adjective | direct |
効果的 (こうかてき) | N2 | Adjective | effective |
考え方 (かんがえかた) | N3 | Noun | way of thinking |
公約 (こうやく) | N2 | Noun | campaign promise |
質問 (しつもん) | N3 | Noun | question |
記者 (きしゃ) | N3 | Noun | reporter |
指名 (しめい) | N2 | Noun | nomination |
終了 (しゅうりょう) | N3 | Noun | end |
取材 (しゅざい) | N2 | Noun | coverage |
参加者 (さんかしゃ) | N2 | Noun | participant |
回線 (かいせん) | N1 | Noun | line (e.g., internet connection) |
安定性 (あんていせい) | N1 | Noun | stability |
人数制限 (にんずうせいげん) | N1 | Noun | limit on the number of people |
詰めかける (つめかける) | N1 | Verb | to crowd around |
掲げる (かかげる) | N2 | Verb | to put up (e.g., a banner) |
表現 (ひょうげん) | N2 | Noun | expression |
質疑 (しつぎ) | N1 | Noun | questioning |
メディア (めでぃあ) | N2 | Noun | media |
対応 (たいおう) | N2 | Noun | response |
評価 (ひょうか) | N2 | Noun | evaluation |
多く (おおく) | N3 | Adverb | many |
皆さん (みなさん) | N3 | Noun | everyone |
声 (こえ) | N3 | Noun | voice |
Grammar and Sentence Structure
Sentence 1: 小池氏の会見は完全オンライン。
Grammatical points: This sentence uses the particle “は” to mark “小池氏の会見” (Koike’s press conference) as the topic of the sentence. It also uses the adverb “完全” (completely) to describe the press conference being fully online.
- 小池氏の会見 (Koike’s press conference) + は (topic marker) + 完全オンライン (completely online)。
Sentence 2: 会見開始から約40分後に、司会者が「時間の都合上、あと1社」とし、終了した。
Grammatical points: This sentence includes the time duration “約40分後” (approximately 40 minutes later) and the quotation “「時間の都合上、あと1社」” (due to time constraints, one more company).
- 会見開始から (from the start of the press conference) + 約40分後に (approximately 40 minutes later) + 司会者が (the host) + 「時間の都合上、あと1社」とし (said, “due to time constraints, one more company”) + 終了した (ended).
Sentence 3: 会見後、小池氏は報道陣の取材に「大変多い参加者が見込まれたのと、回線の確保の安定性などを考えてオンラインにした」と説明した。
Grammatical points: This sentence contains the conjunction “のと” to indicate a reason or cause. It also uses the verb “見込まれた” (was expected) in the passive form.
- 会見後 (after the press conference) + 小池氏は (Koike explained) + 報道陣の取材に (to the press) + 「大変多い参加者が見込まれたのと、回線の確保の安定性などを考えてオンラインにした」と説明した (explained that it was done online considering the expectation of a large number of participants and the stability of the connection).
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