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Word (Furigana)JLPT LevelPart of SpeechMeaning
転覆 (てんぷく)N2godan verbto capsize
救助 (きゅうじょ)N2nounrescue
祈願 (きがん)N2nounprayer for good fortune
出発 (しゅっぱつ)N3noun / godan verbdeparture
南下 (なんか)N2noun / godan verbto head south
異変 (いへん)N2nounabnormality
気づく (きづく)N2godan verbto notice
引き揚げる (ひきあげる)N2ichidan verbto retrieve
意識 (いしき)N2nounconsciousness
心臓 (しんぞう)N2nounheart
マッサージ (まっさーじ)N2nounmassage
自動 (じどう)N2な-adjectiveautomatic
除細動器 (じょさいどうき)N2noundefibrillator
助かる (たすかる)N2godan verbto be saved
荒れる (あれる)N2godan verbto be rough (sea)
振り返る (ふりかえる)N2godan verbto look back
推察 (すいさつ)N2noun / godan verbinference
沈む (しずむ)N2godan verbto sink
閉じ込める (とじこめる)N2ichidan verbto confine
見つかる (みつかる)N2godan verbto be found
若い (わかい)N2い-adjectiveyoung
将来 (しょうらい)N2nounfuture
早く (はやく)N2adverbquickly
重い (おもい)N2い-adjectiveheavy
切れる (きれる)N2ichidan verbto break (string, rope)
危ない (あぶない)N3い-adjectivedangerous
逃がす (にがす)N2godan verbto let escape
組む (くむ)N2godan verbto form (a group)
かかる (かかる)N3godan verbto take (time, money)
話す (はなす)N5godan verbto speak
する (する)N5irregular verbto do

Grammar and Sentence Structure

  1. 「助けてくれ」。大熊さんの船に、こう無線が入ったという。

    • Grammatical Points:

      • 「助けてくれ」: This is a request form, where 「助けて」 is the te-form of the verb 助ける (to help) combined with くれ, which is a colloquial way to ask someone to do something for you.
      • 「こう」: This adverb means “like this” or “in this way,” indicating that the following action (the radio message) is a direct quote or representation of what was said.
      • 「入ったという」: This structure uses the verb 入る (to enter) in the past tense with という, which indicates reported speech or hearsay, meaning “it is said that.”
    • Structure:

      • The sentence is composed of a direct quote followed by a reporting clause. The first part is the quote itself, and the second part explains that this quote was received via radio on 大熊さん’s boat.
  2. 「(通常は)魚が入りすぎて危ないときには網を切って魚を逃がしたり、網が破れたりするが、今回は網を切る時間がなかったんだろう」と推察した。

    • Grammatical Points:

      • 「入りすぎて」: This is the te-form of the verb 入る (to enter) combined with すぎる (to exceed), indicating that too many fish have entered.
      • 「危ないときには」: This phrase means “in dangerous times,” where とき refers to a time or situation, and に is a particle indicating the context.
      • 「網を切って魚を逃がしたり」: This part uses the te-form to connect multiple actions, meaning “cut the net and let the fish escape.”
      • 「時間がなかったんだろう」: This is a conjectural expression, where だろう indicates a supposition or guess about the situation.
    • Structure:

      • The sentence begins with a conditional clause (if it is usually the case) followed by a contrasting clause (but in this case). It lists actions that are typically taken and concludes with a conjecture about the specific situation.
  3. 「若くて将来もあるのに。早く見つかってほしい」と涙ぐんだ。

    • Grammatical Points:

      • 「若くて」: This is the conjunctive form of the adjective 若い (young), connecting it to the next clause.
      • 「将来もあるのに」: Here, 将来 (future) is followed by も (also) and ある (to exist), indicating that the person has a future, and のに expresses a contrast or disappointment.
      • 「見つかってほしい」: This is a desire expression where 見つかる (to be found) is in the passive form, and ほしい indicates a wish for that action to happen.
      • 「涙ぐんだ」: This verb means “to become teary-eyed,” indicating an emotional response.
    • Structure:

      • The sentence consists of two parts: the first part describes the young man’s potential and the emotional weight of the situation, while the second part expresses a wish for him to be found, culminating in an emotional reaction.


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