
トヨタ、4~6月期の営業利益が過去最高更新 北米好調・円安も寄与


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Word (Furigana)JLPT LevelPart of SpeechMeaning
発表する (はっぴょうする)N2godan verbto announce
もうけ (もうけ)N2nounprofit
示す (しめす)N2godan verbto indicate
更新する (こうしんする)N2godan verbto update
低迷する (ていめいする)N2godan verbto stagnate
好調 (こうちょう)N2な-adjectivefavorable
押し上げる (おしあげる)N2godan verbto push up
増える (ふえる)N3ichidan verbto increase
減る (へる)N3godan verbto decrease
滞る (とどこおる)N2godan verbto be delayed
増加する (ぞうかする)N2godan verbto increase
特に (とくに)N3adverbespecially
進む (すすむ)N3godan verbto advance
ふくらむ (ふくらむ)N2godan verbto swell
増益 (ぞうえき)N2nounincreased profit
見通し (みとおし)N2nounoutlook
据え置く (すえおく)N2godan verbto maintain
影響 (えいきょう)N2nouninfluence
価格 (かかく)N3nounprice
需要 (じゅよう)N2noundemand
供給 (きょうきゅう)N2nounsupply
競争 (きょうそう)N2nouncompetition
重要 (じゅうよう)N2な-adjectiveimportant
期待 (きたい)N2nounexpectation
影響を与える (えいきょうをあたえる)N2godan verbto influence
変化する (へんかする)N2godan verbto change
進化する (しんかする)N2godan verbto evolve
予測する (よそくする)N2godan verbto predict
経営 (けいえい)N2nounmanagement
収益 (しゅうえき)N2nounrevenue
競争力 (きょうそうりょく)N2nouncompetitiveness
影響力 (えいきょうりょく)N2nouninfluence power

Grammar and Sentence Structure

  1. 「型式指定」を巡る認証不正問題などで国内販売が低迷したものの、北米などでの販売は好調だった。

    • Grammatical Points:

      • 「を巡る」: This phrase means “regarding” or “concerning.” It indicates that the following noun (in this case, “認証不正問題”) is related to or revolves around the preceding noun (“型式指定”).
      • 「ものの」: This is a conjunction that means “although” or “even though.” It is used to express a contrast between two clauses.
    • Structure:

      • The sentence can be broken down into two main clauses:
        1. 「型式指定を巡る認証不正問題などで国内販売が低迷した」 (Domestic sales were sluggish due to issues such as certification fraud concerning type designation.)
        2. 「北米などでの販売は好調だった」 (Sales in North America and other regions were strong.)
      • The conjunction 「ものの」 connects these two clauses, indicating that despite the sluggish domestic sales, sales in other regions were performing well.
  2. 決算に関わる連結販売台数は225万台で、前年同期より3.2%減った。

    • Grammatical Points:

      • 「に関わる」: This phrase means “related to” or “involved with.” It indicates a connection to the noun that follows.
      • 「台数」: This noun means “number of units” or “number of vehicles,” often used in the context of sales or production figures.
    • Structure:

      • The main clause is 「決算に関わる連結販売台数は225万台で」 (The consolidated sales figures related to the financial results were 2.25 million units).
      • The second part of the sentence, 「前年同期より3.2%減った」 (decreased by 3.2% compared to the same period last year), provides additional information about the sales figures.
      • The structure indicates that the sales figures are specifically tied to the financial results, and it quantifies the change in comparison to the previous year.
  3. 労務費や研究開発費などが増えたものの、値上げによる増益効果もあった。

    • Grammatical Points:

      • 「など」: This is a particle used to indicate examples, similar to “etc.” in English. It suggests that there are other items not listed.
      • 「ものの」: As mentioned earlier, this conjunction means “although” or “even though,” indicating a contrast between two statements.
    • Structure:

      • The first clause is 「労務費や研究開発費などが増えた」 (Labor costs and research and development costs, etc., increased).
      • The second clause is 「値上げによる増益効果もあった」 (There was also an increase in profit due to price hikes).
      • The conjunction 「ものの」 connects these two clauses, indicating that while costs increased, there was a compensating effect from price increases that contributed positively to profits.


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