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Word (Furigana)JLPT LevelPart of SpeechMeaning
接近 (せっきん)N2nounapproach
運転 (うんてん)N2noun/verb (godan)operation / to operate
取りやめる (とりやめる)N2verb (ichidan)to cancel
発表 (はっぴょう)N2noun/verb (godan)announcement / to announce
大幅 (おおはば)N2na-adjectivesignificant
減らす (へらす)N2verb (godan)to reduce
運休 (うんきゅう)N2nounsuspended operation
可能性 (かのうせい)N2nounpossibility
乱れる (みだれる)N2verb (ichidan)to be disturbed
控える (ひかえる)N2verb (godan)to refrain
払い戻し (はらいもどし)N2nounrefund
起算 (きさん)N2noun/verb (godan)calculation / to calculate
影響 (えいきょう)N2noun/verb (godan)influence / to influence
見込む (みこむ)N2verb (godan)to expect
決める (きめる)N3verb (ichidan)to decide
中止 (ちゅうし)N2noun/verb (godan)cancellation / to cancel
呼びかける (よびかける)N2verb (ichidan)to call out
確認 (かくにん)N2noun/verb (godan)confirmation / to confirm
予想 (よそう)N2noun/verb (godan)prediction / to predict
影響 (えいきょう)N2nouninfluence
通行止め (つうこうどめ)N2nounroad closure
強風 (きょうふう)N2nounstrong wind
高波 (たかなみ)N2nounhigh waves
発表する (はっぴょうする)N2verb (irregular)to announce
直通 (ちょくつう)N2na-adjectivedirect connection
増発 (ぞうはつ)N2noun/verb (godan)increase in service / to increase
予定 (よてい)N2nounschedule
受け付ける (うけつける)N2verb (ichidan)to accept
可能 (かのう)N2na-adjectivepossible
影響を与える (えいきょうをあたえる)N2verb (ichidan)to influence
走る (はしる)N3verb (godan)to run
確かめる (たしかめる)N2verb (ichidan)to confirm
進む (すすむ)N3verb (godan)to advance

Grammar and Sentence Structure

  1. Sentence: 「名古屋―新大阪駅間は大幅に運転本数を減らし、「こだま」だけを1時間あたり上下2本ずつほど普通車全車自由席で運行。」

    • Grammatical Points:

      • 「大幅に」: An adverb meaning “significantly” or “substantially.”
      • 「運転本数を減らし」: The verb phrase “運転本数を減らす” (to reduce the number of train operations) is in the te-form (減らし), indicating a continuation of actions.
      • 「上下2本ずつほど」: “上下” refers to the two directions (up and down), and “2本ずつ” means “two trains each” in each direction. “ほど” indicates an approximate amount.
      • 「普通車全車自由席で運行」: “普通車” refers to regular cars, “全車” means “all cars,” and “自由席” means “non-reserved seats.” The phrase indicates that the trains will operate with all cars being non-reserved.
    • Structure:

      • The sentence begins with the subject “名古屋―新大阪駅間” (the section between Nagoya and Shin-Osaka), followed by the action “大幅に運転本数を減らし” (will significantly reduce the number of operations). It then specifies the type of train service being provided, “「こだま」だけを1時間あたり上下2本ずつほど普通車全車自由席で運行,” which describes how the “Kodama” trains will operate.
  2. Sentence: 「計画運休の期間はUターンラッシュと重なるため、15日は午前9時台から午後7時台まで上下8本の臨時「のぞみ」(全車指定席)を増発する。」

    • Grammatical Points:

      • 「計画運休の期間は」: “計画運休” means “planned suspension of service,” and “の期間” indicates “the period of.”
      • 「重なるため」: “重なる” (to overlap) is in the dictionary form, and “ため” indicates a reason or cause.
      • 「午前9時台から午後7時台まで」: “午前9時台” means “from 9 AM” and “午後7時台” means “to 7 PM,” indicating the time range.
      • 「上下8本の臨時「のぞみ」」: “上下8本” refers to “eight trains in each direction,” and “臨時「のぞみ」” means “temporary Nozomi trains.”
      • 「増発する」: The verb “増発する” means “to increase the number of trains.”
    • Structure:

      • The sentence starts with the subject “計画運休の期間は” (the period of planned suspension), followed by the reason “Uターンラッシュと重なるため” (because it overlaps with the U-turn rush). The main action is introduced with “15日は,” indicating that on the 15th, there will be an increase in the number of temporary Nozomi trains operating from 9 AM to 7 PM.
  3. Sentence: 「JR東海の担当者は「各駅で新幹線と接続する在来線も運休や遅れが見込まれるほか、設備の被害状況によっては17日も始発からダイヤが乱れる可能性がある。」

    • Grammatical Points:

      • 「担当者は」: “担当者” means “person in charge,” and “は” marks the topic of the sentence.
      • 「運休や遅れが見込まれるほか」: “運休や遅れ” means “suspension and delays,” and “見込まれる” (to be expected) is in the passive form. “ほか” indicates “in addition to.”
      • 「設備の被害状況によっては」: “設備の被害状況” means “the condition of equipment damage,” and “によっては” means “depending on.”
      • 「17日も始発からダイヤが乱れる可能性がある」: “17日も” means “on the 17th as well,” “始発から” means “from the first train,” and “ダイヤが乱れる可能性がある” means “there is a possibility that the schedule will be disrupted.”
    • Structure:

      • The sentence begins with the subject “JR東海の担当者は” (the person in charge of JR Tokai), followed by the information that delays and suspensions are expected for local trains connecting to the Shinkansen. It continues with “設備の被害状況によっては,” indicating that depending on the damage to equipment, there is a possibility that the schedule will be disrupted from the first train on the 17th.


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