攻撃受け「発電能力の50%失った」 ウクライナ電力会社
Word (Furigana) | JLPT Level | Part of Speech | Meaning |
発生する (はっせいする) | N3 | Godan verb | to occur, to happen |
襲撃する (しゅうげきする) | N1 | Suru verb | to attack |
犠牲者 (ぎせいしゃ) | N2 | Noun | victim |
悼む (いたむ) | N1 | Godan verb | to mourn, to grieve |
服喪の日 (ふくもうのひ) | N1 | Noun | day of mourning |
捧げる (ささげる) | N2 | Ichidan verb | to offer, to dedicate |
市民 (しみん) | N2 | Noun | citizen |
明らかになる (あきらかになる) | N3 | Godan verb | to become clear, to be revealed |
作戦管区 (さくせんかんく) | N1 | Noun | operational command |
深夜 (しんや) | N2 | Noun | late at night |
未明 (みめい) | N1 | Noun | early morning |
被害 (ひがい) | N3 | Noun | damage, harm |
広がる (ひろがる) | N3 | Godan verb | to spread, to extend |
炎上する (えんじょうする) | N1 | Suru verb | to catch fire, to burn |
撃墜する (げきついする) | N1 | Suru verb | to shoot down |
残骸 (ざんがい) | N1 | Noun | wreckage |
破壊する (はかいする) | N2 | Suru verb | to destroy |
電力供給 (でんりょくきょうきゅう) | N2 | Noun | power supply |
止まる (とまる) | N4 | Godan verb | to stop |
投稿する (とうこうする) | N2 | Suru verb | to post, to publish |
無力化する (むりょくかする) | N1 | Suru verb | to neutralize, to render powerless |
民間 (みんかん) | N2 | Noun | private, civilian |
発電能力 (はつでんのうりょく) | N1 | Noun | power generation capacity |
失われる (うしなわれる) | N2 | Godan verb | to be lost |
伝える (つたえる) | N3 | Godan verb | to convey, to report |
深刻な (しんこくな) | N2 | な-adjective | serious, grave |
電力不足 (でんりょくぶそく) | N1 | Noun | power shortage |
陥る (おちいる) | N1 | Godan verb | to fall into, to be caught in |
攻撃する (こうげきする) | N3 | Suru verb | to attack |
変電所 (へんでんしょ) | N1 | Noun | substation |
Grammar and Sentence Structure
Sentence 1:
- Explanation of grammatical points:
- The verb “なりました” is the past tense form of the verb “なる” (to become).
- The particle “となりました” is used to indicate that the number of victims reached a certain count.
- Explanation of the structure of the sentence:
- “この日は犠牲者を悼む「服喪の日」とされ” is a relative clause modifying the noun “日” (day).
- “137人となりました” is the main clause indicating that the number of victims became 137 people.
- Explanation of grammatical points:
Sentence 2:
- Explanation of grammatical points:
- The verb “明らかになっています” is the progressive form of the verb “明らかになる” (to become clear).
- The te-form of the verb “明らかになって” is used to connect the two clauses.
- Explanation of the structure of the sentence:
- “徐々に” is an adverb modifying the verb “明らかになっています” (is becoming clear gradually).
- “明らかになっています” is the main clause indicating that the spread of damage is gradually becoming clear.
- Explanation of grammatical points:
Sentence 3:
- Explanation of grammatical points:
- The verb “述べた” is the past tense form of the verb “述べる” (to state).
- The particle “と” is used to quote what was stated.
- Explanation of the structure of the sentence:
- “同社が持つ発電能力の50%が失われた” is a relative clause modifying the noun “攻撃” (attack).
- “ニュースメディア「ウクライナ・プラウダ」が伝えた” is the main clause indicating that the executive stated the loss of 50% of the company’s generating capacity.
- Explanation of grammatical points:
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