「のだめ」ヴィエラ先生役死去 クラシック監修・茂木大輔さんの秘話
I'm sorry, but it seems like you haven't provided any words or phrases for me to annotate. Could you please provide a word or phrase in Japanese that you would like me to annotate?僕自身は撮影に同行していないので、詳しい事情はわからないんですが、プラハでマーカルさんの指揮風景を撮影したとき、ひとつだけミラクルがあったんです。
幼い千秋は、ヴィエラとの出会いによって父の慈愛と音楽の力を知った。もうひとりの千秋の「父」を、あたたかな演技と柔らかな演奏で、素晴らしく描いてくださったなと思います。(聞き手 編集委員・吉田純子)
Word (Furigana) | JLPT Level | Part of Speech | Meaning |
死去 (しきょ) | N1 | Verb | to pass away |
指揮者 (しきしゃ) | N1 | Noun | conductor |
翻弄 (ほんろう)する | N1 | Verb | to toy with, to manipulate |
生き抜く (いきぬく) | N1 | Verb | to survive |
優勝 (ゆうしょう)する | N1 | Verb | to win a championship |
亡命 (ぼうめい)する | N1 | Verb | to flee, to seek asylum |
活躍 (かつやく)する | N1 | Verb | to be active, to play an active part |
凱旋 (がいせん)する | N1 | Verb | to return in triumph |
首席 (しゅせき) | N1 | Noun | chief, principal |
指揮 (しき)する | N1 | Verb | to conduct |
演じる (えんじる) | N1 | Verb | to perform, to act |
理想 (りそう) | N1 | Noun | ideal |
秘話 (ひわ) | N1 | Noun | secret story |
撮影 (さつえい)する | N1 | Verb | to film, to shoot |
事情 (じじょう) | N1 | Noun | circumstances, situation |
ミラクル | N1 | Noun | miracle |
風景 (ふうけい) | N1 | Noun | scenery |
メランコリック | N1 | Adjective | melancholic |
ノスタルジック | N1 | Adjective | nostalgic |
馥郁 (ふくいく) | N1 | Adjective | rich, fragrant |
気品 (きひん) | N1 | Noun | elegance, grace |
曲 (きょく) | N1 | Noun | piece of music |
陶然 (とうぜん)とする | N1 | Verb | to be enchanted, to be captivated |
チェコ組曲 (チェコくみきょく) | N1 | Noun | Czech Suite |
ポルカ | N1 | Noun | polka |
演奏 (えんそう)する | N1 | Verb | to perform, to play |
振る (ふる) | N1 | Verb | to conduct |
一目ぼれ (ひとめぼれ) | N1 | Noun | love at first sight |
一聴ぼれ (いっちょうぼれ) | N1 | Noun | love at first listen |
流れる (ながれる) | N1 | Verb | to flow |
反響 (はんきょう) | N1 | Noun | response, reaction |
人気投票 (にんきとうひょう) | N1 | Noun | popularity poll |
振りる (ふりる) | N1 | Verb | to conduct |
出会い (であい) | N1 | Noun | encounter |
父 (ちち) | N1 | Noun | father |
慈愛 (じあい) | N1 | Noun | love, affection |
音楽 (おんがく) | N1 | Noun | music |
描く (えがく) | N1 | Verb | to depict, to portray |
Grammar and Sentence Structure
- “これはドボルザークの「チェコ組曲」の「ポルカ」という、あまり演奏される機会のなかった曲でした。”
- Grammatical points: The sentence includes a relative clause (“ドボルザークの「チェコ組曲」の「ポルカ」という”) modifying the noun “曲” (song). The verb “演奏される” is in the passive form, indicating that the song is not often performed.
- Structure of the sentence: The sentence introduces a song called “ポルカ” from Dvořák’s “チェコ組曲” (Czech Suite), which is a song that has not been frequently performed.
- “でも、プラハに撮影に行ったときに、たまたまこれをマーカルさんが振っていた。”
- Grammatical points: The sentence includes the conjunction “でも” (but) to contrast with the previous statement. The verb “振っていた” is in the past progressive form, indicating an ongoing action in the past.
- Structure of the sentence: The sentence explains that when they went to Prague for filming, they coincidentally encountered Mařat conducting this song.
- “実際にこの曲が流れたあと、すごい反響があった。”
- Grammatical points: The sentence includes the adverb “実際に” (actually) to emphasize the following statement. The noun “反響” (reverberation) is used metaphorically to mean a strong response or impact.
- Structure of the sentence: The sentence states that after this song was played, there was a strong response or impact.