東海道新幹線の復旧、なぜ長期化 衝突・脱線の保守点検車両になにが
Word (Furigana) | JLPT Level | Part of Speech | Meaning |
衝突 (しょうとつ) | N2 | noun | collision |
脱線 (だっせん) | N2 | noun | derailment |
運転 (うんてん) | N3 | noun/verb (godan) | operation / to operate |
見合わせ (みあわせ) | N2 | noun/verb (ichidan) | suspension / to suspend |
乱れる (みだれる) | N2 | verb (ichidan) | to be disturbed |
断念 (だんねん) | N2 | noun/verb (godan) | abandonment / to give up |
復旧 (ふっきゅう) | N2 | noun/verb (godan) | restoration / to restore |
長引く (ながびく) | N2 | verb (godan) | to prolong |
自力 (じりき) | N2 | noun | self-power |
牽引 (けんいん) | N2 | noun/verb (godan) | towing / to tow |
撤去 (てっきょ) | N2 | noun/verb (godan) | removal / to remove |
長期化 (ちょうきか) | N2 | noun/verb (godan) | prolongation / to prolong |
敷き詰める (しきつめる) | N2 | verb (ichidan) | to lay out |
快適 (かいてき) | N2 | な-adjective | comfortable |
必要 (ひつよう) | N3 | な-adjective | necessary |
除く (のぞく) | N2 | verb (godan) | to exclude |
実質的 (じっしつてき) | N2 | な-adjective | substantial |
限度 (げんど) | N2 | noun | limit |
直結 (ちょっけつ) | N2 | noun/verb (godan) | direct connection / to connect directly |
慌ただしい (あわただしい) | N2 | い-adjective | busy / hurried |
防ぐ (ふせぐ) | N2 | verb (godan) | to prevent |
注意力 (ちゅういりょく) | N2 | noun | attentiveness |
接近 (せっきん) | N2 | noun/verb (godan) | approach / to approach |
警報 (けいほう) | N2 | noun | alarm |
改良 (かいりょう) | N2 | noun/verb (godan) | improvement / to improve |
発生 (はっせい) | N2 | noun/verb (godan) | occurrence / to occur |
手厚い (てあつい) | N2 | い-adjective | generous |
構造 (こうぞう) | N2 | noun | structure |
確認 (かくにん) | N3 | noun/verb (godan) | confirmation / to confirm |
事故 (じこ) | N3 | noun | accident |
保守 (ほしゅ) | N2 | noun | maintenance |
技術者 (ぎじゅつしゃ) | N2 | noun | engineer |
Grammar and Sentence Structure
Sentence: 「このため、線路に戻しただけでは動かせず、いったん運搬用の台車を使い、別の車両で牽引(けんいん)する作業が必要となった。」
Grammatical Points:
- 「だけでは」: This phrase indicates that just doing the preceding action (returning to the tracks) is insufficient to achieve the desired result (moving the vehicles).
- 「必要となった」: This is a passive construction that indicates a necessity has arisen. The verb “なる” (to become) is used here to express that a situation has changed to require something.
- The sentence begins with a causal clause (“このため”) explaining the reason for the following actions. It then presents a contrast with “動かせず” (cannot move), followed by a description of the necessary actions (“運搬用の台車を使い、別の車両で牽引する作業が必要となった”). The use of “いったん” emphasizes that the action is temporary or a step in the process.
Sentence: 「作業の遅れは始発の遅れに直結するため、現場はかなり慌ただしい雰囲気だという。」
Grammatical Points:
- 「直結する」: This verb means “to be directly linked” or “to be directly connected.” It indicates a strong relationship between the delay in work and the delay of the first train.
- 「ため」: This is used to indicate a reason or cause, similar to “because” or “due to.”
- The sentence starts with the subject (“作業の遅れ”) and its effect (“始発の遅れに直結する”). The reason for the busy atmosphere at the site is introduced with “ため,” leading to the conclusion about the atmosphere (“現場はかなり慌ただしい雰囲気だという”). The phrase “だという” indicates that this is a reported observation or conclusion.
Sentence: 「新幹線の営業列車は追突を防ぐため、先行列車との距離に応じて自動ブレーキがかかる自動列車制御装置(ATC)など手厚い安全システムを備えている。」
Grammatical Points:
- 「ため」: Similar to the previous sentence, it indicates purpose or reason, meaning “in order to” or “for the purpose of.”
- 「応じて」: This verb means “according to” or “in accordance with,” indicating that the action depends on the distance to the preceding train.
- The sentence begins with the subject (“新幹線の営業列車”) and states its purpose (“追突を防ぐため”). It then describes the safety systems in place, using “など” to imply that there are other systems in addition to the automatic train control system (ATC). The phrase “自動ブレーキがかかる” describes how the automatic brakes are activated based on the distance to the preceding train, creating a complex structure that combines purpose, condition, and detail about the safety systems.
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